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The Benefits of Professional Heater Installation vs. DIY: Why It Pays Off

While many homeowners consider a DIY approach, professional heater installation has many benefits. You might take on a DIY project for the enjoyment or to save money. However, any type of HVAC replacement requires skills, tools, and techniques an untrained person doesn’t have. At AC Plus, we have a dedicated team of heater installers who ensure the job is done right. We’ll look at why hiring a contractor for heater installation pays off.

Having a professional install your heating system has the following benefits:

Avoid Safety Concerns

One mistake can lead to a gas leak or cause a fire. Carbon monoxide exposure is another possibility. Furnace installation professionals are trained to work with heating components and approach the process safely and efficiently. They’re experienced working around gas, different types of fuel, and electricity, especially when it comes to wiring.

Not only is a professional trained to handle delicate equipment. They’re trained in the proper installation procedures and are familiar with local building codes (violating these can lead to fines and other penalties). Professional installation avoids safety issues during the initial process and while running your furnace.

Heater Installers Have the Right Tools

Numerous tools are required for heater installation. Basic ones like screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, tape measures, levels, and wire strippers you may be familiar with. However, many others require experience and can be dangerous if you’ve never used them. These include the following tools:

  • Pipe/tubing cutters
  • Voltage testers
  • Flaring tools
  • Tubing benders
  • Power drills
  • Tin snips
  • Pipe thread sealant
  • Vacuum pumps
  • Refrigerant manifold gauges

Heating Contractors Save You Time

A professional’s training and experience enable them to install a heating system relatively quickly. They can often complete the job in a few hours. Attempting a DIY installation takes more time because you must acquire the right tools, research how to complete different steps, and troubleshoot unexpected issues that arise along the way. You may have to start again if your heater doesn’t work or isn’t up to code.

Improper Installation Can Lead to Costly Long-Term Problems

Installing a heating system without the proper knowledge can lead to issues that take time to surface. Even if a DIY-installed furnace works, it may cost you more in energy. Or, a loosely secured component, improper connection, or poorly sealed duct can accelerate wear. This can lead to frequent repairs or even shorten the life of the unit. Therefore, professional heater installation can reduce the cost of ownership.

A Technician Can Maximize Heater Performance and Efficiency

For many people, a DIY home improvement can feel like an accomplishment. However, a professionally installed heater is more likely to operate at peak performance. You’ll be more comfortable and benefit from lower energy bills because professionals not only use the right tools and techniques. They also match a heating unit’s size to your home’s heating needs. Otherwise, the system can be inefficient and not provide enough heat.

A Professionally Installed Furnace Has Warranty Protection

If you make a mistake, break a component, or have heater issues down the line, you’ll have to pay for repairs out of pocket. Professional installation comes with warranty protection. Manufacturers of heating equipment often require it to be installed, repaired, and maintained by a trained professional. 

If you try a DIY installation, you could void the warranty. However, when you hire a contractor, many repairs are covered. You can also rely on the company for post-installation support to promptly resolve any issues. 

Your Heater Is Integrated with Existing HVAC Components

A heating unit must be compatible with the rest of your HVAC system to work properly. This includes your air conditioning unit, smart thermostat, ventilation system, and indoor air quality equipment. A DIY approach doesn’t guarantee the right equipment is selected or that all your HVAC components will work together. Professional installation ensures consistent comfort and minimizes the chances of safety or system performance issues.

A Look at Professional Heater Installation

A professional has your heating system covered before, during, and after installation. To help you understand why it’s best to hire a contractor, here’s a look at the heater installation process as handled by a seasoned contractor:

  • A load calculation determines your home’s square footage, windows, insulation, and more.
  • Ductwork is evaluated/modified/replaced to optimize airflow.
  • The physical space accommodating the furnace is measured.
  • Gas lines and electrical wiring are inspected and, if necessary, upgraded.
  • Compatibility with your existing HVAC components is evaluated.
  • The technician arrives with all the tools needed to complete the heater installation.
  • The contractor obtains any required permits and follows all relevant codes and regulations.
  • The installation job comes with a guarantee and warranty.

Schedule Heater Installation with AC Plus

We professionally install heating equipment in San Bernardino County, including furnaces and heat pumps. Located in Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, and Redlands, CA, our team delivers A+ service. Experience, technical skills, and knowledge of the latest products and technologies enable them to find the best heating solution for your home. We guarantee stress-free heater installation; call (760) 243-4440 to book your appointment today!

How Often Should I Change My Filters?

Generally, HVAC filters should be changed every 90 days or less. It’s a quick and easy form of AC maintenance and doesn’t require a professional. However, several factors can impact how long your AC filter lasts and when you should replace it, including the following:

Type of Filter

Air filters come in different types. The most commonly used ones in home HVAC systems include:

  • Fiberglass Filters: A fiberglass air filter has a thinner material that clogs with dust and particles more quickly. It should be changed every 30 days.
  • Pleated Air Filters: A pleated filter is more efficient but costs more upfront. However, it has the potential to last up to 90 days.

Efficiency Rating

Air filter efficiency is determined using a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating. MERV ratings go from 1 to 20. The highest efficiency types catch the smallest particles and include HEPA filters. 

Efficiency values can also impact longevity. For example, a mid-efficiency MERV 5 to 10 filter can last two to three months, depending on the filter material and other factors. MERV 11 filters can last three to six months, while some MERV 13 or higher filters can go 12 months before replacement, depending on usage.

Your Home

Various qualities of your home can impact AC maintenance needs. Larger households with more people can generate more dust and debris, which affects filter life. If you have pets, filters should be changed at least every 60 days. Consider replacing an air filter sooner if you have multiple pets or people in your home with allergies or respiratory conditions like asthma.

Home size is another factor to consider. A smaller home usually has smaller air conditioners with smaller filters. While there’s less air to move, which may help a filter last longer, the filter may be smaller too, so the interval is often the same. In larger homes, more air is circulated, meaning the filter may require more frequent replacement.

Outdoor Air Quality

The quality of outdoor air can affect indoor air quality. Automotive exhaust, dust, and debris can enter an urban home and cause particles to clog your air filter. However, pollutants like pollen, mold spores, and wildfire smoke can impact homes anywhere. If poor air quality is often reported in your area, the air filter may need to be replaced more often.

The Season

Your HVAC system likely runs more frequently during the heating and cooling seasons. Therefore, the filter may get dirty faster. That doesn’t mean it can’t get clogged in the spring and fall. Keeping your doors and windows open can increase the level of contaminants in your home. Running the fan to cycle air through the filter can improve indoor air quality but requires replacing the filter as recommended.

How to Know Your Air Filter Needs Replacement

You don’t need to wait for the next annual AC maintenance visit to replace your air filter. Nor is this recommended. At AC Plus, we suggest looking at the filter at least once a month. If the filter is visibly clogged with dust, hair, and debris, or light doesn’t pass through it when you hold it up to a light source, it must be changed. Regularly checking the filter gives you an idea of how quickly it tends to get dirty.

Don’t Forget to Inspect or Replace Your AC Filter

An HVAC filter is designed to protect your heating and cooling equipment. It’s less of an air-purifying feature, which we can install other products for. Standard filters block larger particles that can clog up internal components. Higher-efficiency ones can capture organic pollutants like mold and bacteria that can create buildup inside your AC system.

If a filter gets clogged, it cannot filter out dust and debris. Contaminants can then jam fan motors, valves, and other parts. At the very least, the system will work harder to compensate. This draws more power and reduces the system’s energy efficiency. You’ll not only pay more for energy; the HVAC unit can overwork itself and break down, requiring expensive repairs.

Call AC Plus to Schedule AC Maintenance

Homeowners in Victorville, Redlands, Rancho Cucamonga, and surrounding areas depend on us for professional AC maintenance. We have thousands of 5-star reviews and provide comprehensive HVAC system tune-ups. These include changing filters, cleaning components, lubricating moving parts, tightening fasteners, and performing any part repairs or replacements necessary. Contact us to schedule annual service or if you notice any signs your air conditioner needs maintenance.

Should I Replace or Repair My AC?

When you compare the cost of home upgrades, AC replacement is high on the list. An air conditioner repair may be more cost-effective in many situations. In other circumstances, it may not be. Replacing an AC system is sometimes more practical from a cost and convenience perspective. At AC Plus, we can help you make an informed decision, install a new high-efficiency unit, and set you up with affordable financing options.

If you’re still unsure whether to replace or repair your air conditioning system, here are the main factors to consider:

Age of Your AC Unit

Generally, a residential air conditioner lasts 10 to 15 years; some high-end systems can last longer. Start thinking of replacing any AC that’s over a decade old. You could avoid costly repairs or at least plan for an installation that meets your home cooling needs. 

A system that requires repairs every few months or is very costly should be replaced. Your expenditures can go toward the price of a new system. Repairs won’t likely be needed for a few years and AC systems are more efficient than they were a few years ago. Therefore, AC replacement can be a very cost-effective decision.

Cost of Service

According to Angi, AC replacement can cost $3,900 to $8,000 (for the unit alone). The cost can be affected by the unit’s type, size, brand, and efficiency rating. Additionally, you must consider the cost of labor, installing new ductwork, or purchasing an extended warranty. Replacing an air conditioner is an investment, but let’s look at repair costs to explain why it may be worth it.

An AC repair varies in cost depending on the problem. Fixing a small leak or replacing a small component like a fan motor or expansion valve can cost a few hundred dollars. Replacing an evaporator coil or compressor can cost over $2,000. The cost-benefit depends on the exact repair expense vs. the cost of a new unit.

If repairing an AC costs more than $5,000 or over half the amount of a new one, replacing it is usually the logical choice.

Repair Frequency

A one-off repair may make sense, but repairing your air conditioner every few months is expensive and a waste of time. Having to call an AC repair company repeatedly is also stressful. It’s time to replace the system, whether it has worn out or experienced weather-related damage. A new air conditioner is more reliable and saves you money in the long run. It also provides you with comfort and gives you peace of mind.

Signs of Trouble

You may consider repairing or replacing your AC unit, depending on what’s wrong with it. Many issues can be fixed. But if the system is older and/or shows one or more of the following signs of trouble, ask your local contractor about replacing it:

  • Increasingly loud noise
  • Frequent breakdowns
  • Increased indoor humidity
  • Refrigerant or water leaks
  • Rising energy bills
  • The unit blows hot air
  • Poor airflow
  • Uneven cooling
  • Burning or musty smells

Energy Efficiency

An aging air conditioning system can cost you more in ongoing repairs and increased energy usage. If your energy bills keep rising and your home isn’t comfortable, regardless of how often you set the thermostat, AC replacement can save you money over time. As the system nears the end of its lifespan, it can develop various issues that further decrease efficiency. Consult with your local HVAC contractor as to whether it makes sense to repair or replace the unit.

Cost of Your Energy Bills

Your monthly utility bills should be similar to the same time last year. Drastic shifts are often not due to price increases but declining AC efficiency. An older air conditioner will become less efficient no matter how well it’s maintained.

Consider AC replacement if your energy bills are high. Air conditioners are rated using the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The higher the rating, the more efficient the unit is. The standards have also changed. An AC unit installed in the 1990s was required to have at least a 10 SEER rating. This went up to 13 in 2006 and 14 in 2015. High-efficiency systems are rated above 20 SEER.

However, replacement isn’t only for meeting standards. The unit may have been improperly charged or sized to begin with, or it may have worn mechanical or electrical parts that are reducing its efficiency.

Indoor Air Quality

An aging air conditioner can struggle to trap particulates. Dust, pollen, and other particulates can more easily enter your home as its performance declines. Repairs often can’t reverse this, so you’re better off replacing your AC unit.

The effects of poor indoor air quality can include

  • Increased allergy symptoms
  • Asthma attacks
  • Reduced cooling performance 
  • HVAC system damage
  • Mold growth


Replace your air conditioning unit as soon as possible if it uses R-22 refrigerant. Freon has been banned due to the environmental harm it can cause. Acquiring reclaimed sources is extremely expensive, and most AC contractors won’t recharge R-22 or even perform repairs. In this case, AC replacement isn’t just the only choice but is more cost-effective.

Mismatched Components

We recommend replacing an air conditioning system in which the indoor or outdoor unit was replaced separately at some point. Condenser units and air handlers are designed to work together. If mismatched, they won’t work efficiently and are at a greater risk of breaking down. Therefore, a mismatched system with persistent issues should be replaced.

Expired Warranty

Even if your AC unit has never had a problem, a repair will be expensive if the warranty has expired. Warranties also have strict terms. The warranty may be invalid if the unit wasn’t serviced regularly by a maintenance professional or if other conditions weren’t met. This means having to pay in full for any repair. Nonetheless, not all repairs and components are covered by every warranty. Replacement can be a better choice if your AC has severe problems.

Your AC Unit’s Appearance

Air conditioning units may or may not go with your home décor. You should replace an AC that looks old and rusty. Or, if you’ve redecorated or renovated your home, it may no longer have aesthetic value. That’s just one more reason to replace an aging air conditioning unit.

New Technology

Holding on to an aging AC unit isn’t only a disadvantage regarding comfort and efficiency. It also denies you access to the latest technologies. Newer air conditioning systems may be compatible with smart thermostats, include variable-speed blowers, or support temperature zoning. 

Replacement Incentives

You may be tempted to repair your AC once again. However, coupons and deals from an AC installer, manufacturer or utility company rebates, or federal tax credits can make an investment in AC replacement more worthwhile. Research financial incentives you may qualify for when weighing your decision.

Contact AC Plus for Help with AC Replacement or Repair

If you live in Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, and surrounding areas, AC Plus Heating & Cooling can provide any type of AC repair or help you decide on AC replacement. Our family-owned and operated company specializes in replacing residential air conditioning systems with high-efficiency models. We provide free estimates, fair pricing, and access to affordable financing options, plus industry-leading warranties and guarantees.

For more information or to request service, call 760-243-4440 today

How To Keep Your HVAC Unit in Top Shape in a Mild Climate

In our mild California climate, you probably don’t use your heater much, but your AC almost certainly gets plenty of use. In this post, you’ll learn how to keep your HVAC unit ticking throughout all four seasons so it works flawlessly when you need it.

Keep Your AC Unit Clean

Has your backyard turned into a jungle this summer? If it’s been a while since you last mowed, those weeds could be choking the life out of your AC unit. That means it’ll work harder, which could cause the unit to eventually fail.

Remove grass and weeds from around the base of the unit, and spray the outside down with your hose to remove stuck-on debris.

Replace or Clean Your Air Filter Regularly

Your air filter is responsible for trapping particles like dust and pollen, but it can’t do its job effectively if it’s clogged. If you have a disposable air filter, swap it for a new one every three to six months. If yours is reusable, clean it once every two weeks.

Minimize Appliance Use When It’s Warm

Large appliances, such as your dishwasher and clothes dryer, generate a ton of heat when they run. To save on your electric bill and keep your AC from working overtime, try to use these appliances when it’s cooler outside or during the evening.

Only Use Your AC and Heating System When Necessary

Some people simply can’t stand the heat and run their AC 24/7. If you’re one of them, expect the unit to fail sooner rather than later. Likewise, for your furnace, if it runs nearly non-stop.

The less you run your HVAC unit, the better. When it’s hot outside, stay cool by:

  • Running fans throughout the house
  • Wearing lightweight, breathable clothing
  • Enjoying a cool beverage
  • Taking a refreshing shower or going for a dip in the pool

If you’re chilly, warm up by:

  • Running fans in reverse, which pushes warm air to the floor
  • Layering clothing
  • Snuggling under thick blankets
  • Staying in one room and closing doors to unused rooms

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance is the best way to ensure that your HVAC unit stays in prime shape. With good maintenance, you’ll enjoy perks like these:

  • More comfortable temperatures in your home
  • Cleaner, fresher-smelling air
  • Lower energy bills
  • Reduced risk of breakdowns that need expensive repairs

When you call us for maintenance, our crew will:

  • Clean your air conditioning and heating system, including ductwork
  • Lubricate all moving parts
  • Calibrate and test the thermostat
  • Perform a ventilation test
  • Test all components, such as the compressor, blower motor, and fans
  • Clean or replace air filters

We’ll Keep Your HVAC System Running Like Clockwork

If you want your HVAC unit to stand the test of time, scheduling maintenance is one of the smartest things you can do. To book maintenance for your air conditioner or heating system, call AC Plus Heating & Cooling at (760) 243-4440 now.

Air Conditioner Dilemmas: Expert Solutions and Tips

No matter what kind of air conditioner you have, whether a split system or wall-mounted cooling unit, you will most likely experience some kind of AC problem at some point. You need your AC to stay cool and comfortable during the summers, so it’s in your best interest to deal with AC dilemmas as fast as you can. With that in mind, the team from AC Plus Heating & Cooling is here to discuss some common air conditioning problems and some of our reliable cooling solutions.

Low Airflow

A lack of airflow is usually caused by a clogged filter or a broken blower motor. Air filters capture dust and dirt but become less effective the more full they get. A blocked filter restricts airflow and can increase internal system pressure. 

The blower motor runs the main fan array that distributes air to your home. As such, a broken blower motor might manifest as reduced or a complete lack of airflow throughout the house. Depending on the specific issue and the age of the unit, you can either repair or replace the broken blower motor. 

Only Hot Air

If you turn on your AC and only hot air comes out regardless of thermostat settings, your coils might be dirty or there is a coolant leak. Dirty coils can also start to frost over and leak from your AC unit while coolant leaks can create puddles on the floor near the air conditioner. 

In either case, a professional can clean your evaporator and condenser coils and replace the missing coolant. Running your AC with dirty coils or low coolant heats your system and can increase the risk of a breakdown. 

Bad Smells

Moisture can get trapped in your vents and filters, which creates a fertile breeding ground for mold and algae. Mold and algae create a distinctly musty smell that emanates from your vents and can spread to other areas of your home. 

Mold in particular can pose a serious health hazard, so you should diagnose the root cause of bad smells quickly. A professional can clean your system and replace any components damaged by mold. 

AC Short Cycling or Won’t Turn On

The average AC should cycle about two or three times per hour. If your AC cycles more frequently than that, you might have a faulty compressor on your hands. The compressor controls when the AC turns on and off, and malfunctions can cause it to prematurely shut down before the cycle is complete. If the compressor is sufficiently damaged, your air conditioner might not even turn on at all. 

Compressor replacement is a tricky job, so you’ll need an expert to make sure that the electrical components and remote controls are connected correctly. 

Heating and Cooling Services in South California

If you have an air conditioner dilemma, you need a qualified expert on your side. Contact AC Plus Heating & Cooling online or give us a call today at (760) 243-4440 to schedule HVAC service in Redlands, California and the surrounding areas!

What Does A Bad AC Compressor Sound Like?

Your air conditioning system contains several complicated parts. Each plays an essential role in cooling your house. One such part, the compressor, can alert you to common air conditioning issues or have its own troubles. Decode why your AC unit is making loud noises below with a little help from AC Plus Heating & Cooling.

What Is an Air Conditioner Compressor?

The compressor is the part of your home’s air conditioner responsible for compressing gaseous refrigerant. It removes warm air from the refrigerant, ensuring that only cool air circulates through your home. Most air conditioners contain their compressors in their outdoor units.

What a Bad Compressor in Your Air Conditioning Unit Sounds Like

Your air conditioner should not make excessive noise. If you hear strange sounds coming from your air conditioner, you might have trouble brewing on the horizon related to the compressor. Keep an ear out for your outdoor or indoor unit making the following noises.

Buzzing Noise

You might have a malfunctioning compressor on your hands if your air conditioner is making a buzzing noise. Persistent buzzing often indicates poor or exposed electrical connectivity. If the sounds come from inside, a failing indoor blower fan motor or blower assembly may be to blame.

Hissing Noise

If your AC unit is making loud noises that resemble hissing, it could warn that the compressor has reached a high internal pressure. This issue can also manifest through a high-pitched squealing noise. Change the dirty air filter to see if it resolves the pressure problem.

Alternatively, you might have a refrigerant leak. Call a professional AC repair company in Redlands to diagnose the problem and top off your refrigerant. Refrigerant leaks can cause dangerous health concerns.

Humming Noise

Your compressor may sustain damage as it ages. This wear and tear can cause the compressor to become unbalanced or cracked or its materials may corrode or deteriorate. These age-related issues may lead to loud, unabating humming.

Your condenser fan might also emit similar sounds once it starts failing. Since the outdoor unit contains both components, you need an HVAC technician to figure out whether one or both is the source.

Rattling Noise

A persistent rattling sound can indicate a filthy air filter creating airflow resistance and intense compressor pressure. Your technician might also discover loose fan blades, loose fan motor screws, or debris trembling inside the outdoor unit during operation.

Banging Noise

Sometimes, the compressor might work fine except for a few specific parts. Connected components, like pistons, connector rods, and crankshafts, might loosen. This issue commonly develops in unmaintained units. Loose compressor parts may bang or clang throughout each cycle.

Other Signs of a Bad Compressor in Your Outdoor Unit

As you can see, disruptive sounds can occur for reasons beyond a faulty compressor. However, a worn compressor also causes additional symptoms such as:

  • Pooling water.
  • Tripped breakers.
  • Warm air circulation.
  • Inexplicable shutdowns.

When Your AC Unit Is Making Loud Noises, Call a Professional From AC Plus Heating & Cooling

Let’s find out why your AC unit is making loud noises. Call AC Plus Heating & Cooling at 760-243-4440 to schedule a check-up for your cooling system!

Why Do I Get Moisture on My Windows When the AC Is On?

Do you enjoy comfortable indoor temperatures but can’t stand condensation on windows in summer air conditioning? AC Plus Heating & Cooling keeps your air conditioner running so you can have the most comfortable indoor air even when outdoor temperatures rise. Working with us always delivers the perfect solution when you can’t stand humid weather and window condensation.

What Causes Window Condensation?

Condensation forms when warm air touches a cool surface. When you run your air conditioner, the humid air from outdoors can hit the cold surface of your window and form water droplets. This can even happen in cold weather if your hot, moist air hits the cooler window glass.

The Problem of Window Moisture

Why should you care about excess moisture on your windows? When water vapor causes the following problems when it turns to window condensation:

  • Damaged window frames: Window condensation can rot your window frame. This causes drafty windows that require early replacement.
  • Peeling paint: High humidity levels and condensation can peel the paint on your frames and the surrounding wall or siding.
  • Mold growth: Perhaps the most dangerous effect of water vapor is it causes mold growth in just 24 hours. This can destroy your property and cause significant health problems.

Preventing Window Condensation While Running Your Air Conditioning

Once condensation forms, it doesn’t go away on its own. The best approach is preventing condensation on windows in summer air conditioning using the following tips.

Improved Window Insulation

Improving window insulation can reduce your chances of developing condensation. The right window treatments can prevent the cooler indoor temperature from reaching your windows. Consider blackout curtains or cellular shades.

Quality Weather Stripping

Your old windows may need updated weather stripping. This seals off the gaps and helps the air inside your home stay where it belongs.

Increased Air Circulation

You can avoid window condensation if you can prevent humidity from rising in your home. One easy way of doing this is increasing air flow with bathroom exhaust fans, box fans, or whole-home fans.

Installing Quality Windows

A triple-pane window prevents the cold interior air from coming in contact with the warmer outside temperature because the heat can’t transfer through three panes of glass. Windows with triple panes require a significant investment, but they’re well worth the increased comfort and reduced condensation.

Regulate Temperature and Indoor Humidity

Keeping your indoor temperature and humidity comparable to the outdoors can help avoid condensation. An exhaust fan, bathroom fan, or ceiling fan is just one method. You can also set your air conditioner higher (such as at 78 degrees) and use other techniques for staying cool, like breathable clothing.

We Help You Stay Cool Throughout the Summer

When you need comfortable indoor air temperatures without dealing with condensation on windows in summer air conditioning, reach out to AC Plus Heating & Cooling — your trusted AC repair company in Redlands, CA. From lowering your indoor humidity levels to keeping your HVAC system fully functional, we’re the experts you can trust.

For help staying cool through all summer long, call (760) 243-4440.

The Best Temperature to Set Your Thermostat to in Summer

Are you trying to save money on your energy bills while still staying comfortable during the extreme summer heat? Maintaining the best thermostat setting in summer can help provide several benefits for your home and family. AC Plus Heating & Cooling helps families and businesses stay comfortable and reduce energy bills.

Determining the Right Temperature Settings

How do you determine the ideal thermostat temperature? The United States Department of Energy suggests keeping your thermostat in the summer at 78 degrees during the day. They suggest a setting between 80 and 82 degrees at night as your body temperature drops and 88 degrees when you’re not at home and don’t have pets.

The Importance of the Right Thermostat Setting

Keeping your air conditioning system at 78 degrees provides the following benefits:

  • Increased energy efficiency: At 78 degrees, your air conditioner runs more efficiently without letting temperatures reach dangerous levels. Maintaining the thermostat settings can save you up to 15% on cooling costs.
  • Reduced wear and tear: By running your air conditioning less frequently, you’ll schedule fewer repairs. Your energy-efficient air conditioning system also lasts longer.
  • Lower carbon footprint: Do you care about sustainability? You’ll love that maintaining a higher thermostat temperature can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

Tips for Maintaining the Perfect Temperature Setting

Seventy-eight degrees qualifies as the best thermostat setting in summer. However, many people still find it uncomfortably warm. Even without the cool air of your air conditioner, the following tips can keep your body heat down and your indoor temperature bearable.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

A smart or programmable thermostat helps you control the temperature in your home without much effort. A smart thermostat lets you pre-program your temperatures according to your schedule. You can also operate it with voice controls (such as Google Home) or your mobile device.

Imagine you’re on your way home. You can turn your thermostat from 88 to 78 so it’s the ideal temperature once you arrive.

Use Natural Cooling

Natural cooling methods provide the best opportunity to stay cool even amid higher indoor temperatures. Open your air vents and run your whole-home fan or use the more energy-efficient option of ceiling fans.

You can also open windows to get a cross breeze on days when the outdoors have cooler air. With a ceiling fan running, cool and loose-fitting clothing, and plenty of ice water, you can stay cool even at 78 degrees.

Avoid Heat-Generating Sources

Look for alternate solutions to running heat-generating appliances like your oven or stove. Close your blinds to avoid direct sunlight from heating your home.

We Help You Endure High Summer Temperatures

Knowing the best thermostat setting in summer helps you lower your energy costs and still stay comfortable and safe no matter how high the summer temperatures climb. AC Plus Heating & Cooling, the trusted local leader for AC repair in Redlands, CA and the surrounding areas remains passionate about keeping HVAC systems running at peak efficiency.

To ensure your air conditioner doesn’t drive up your energy bill, call (760) 243-4440.

Why Is My AC Running but Not Cooling?

If your AC is running but not cooling in Southern California, you should prioritize fixing it to prevent safety issues from excessive heat and humidity. At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we’re dedicated to keeping our friends, neighbors, and business owners safe and comfortable. With competitive prices and prompt, reliable service, we always find a solution to your air conditioner issues.

Reasons Your Air Conditioning System Runs Without Cooling

If your AC unit runs but doesn’t blow cold air, it could indicate a wide variety of issues. An experienced technician can determine the problem and the best approach for fixing it.

Dirty Air Filter

Dirt buildup on the system’s air filter is one of the most common reasons an air conditioner doesn’t blow cool air. When the air filter accumulates too much dirt, it restricts the airflow and prevents the cold air from reaching your ductwork. It also creates poor indoor air quality.

Once you have your air filter located, change or clean it at least once a month to prevent this issue.

Dirty Air Conditioner Coils

Your AC system contains several different components that contain coils. In addition to evaporator coils on your outdoor unit, the condenser unit features coils as well.

The condenser fan draws air over the condenser coil to remove heat from the refrigerant. If the coils become dirty, it can lead to warm air blowing from your unit.

Another sign of dirt buildup is a frozen evaporator coil. If you notice ice building up on your evaporator coil, you’ll know the reason for your air conditioner running without cold air blowing out of it.

Tripped Circuit Breaker

A tripped circuit breaker is one of the easiest solutions to fix. Running your air conditioning system on a tripped breaker can cause some serious damage and lead to early replacement. If your air conditioner frequently trips a circuit breaker, hire a technician to figure out why.

Refrigerant Leaks

Your refrigerant allows air conditioners to transport the hot air from your home. A refrigerant leak can prevent the system from properly circulating air, which means it’ll run, but at best, the air feels lukewarm.

Advanced Age

If your AC is running but not cooling, the problem may just come from old age. Air conditioners last between 10 and 15 years, so if it’s not blowing cold air, you may need an upgrade.

Lucky Air Ducts

Your indoor air handler unit connects to your ducts and helps blow it through your home. However, with leaky ductwork, the conditioned air can’t properly circulate into each room.

Mechanical Problems

From loose electrical connections to grinding fans or motors, your air conditioner can develop a host of different mechanical problems. A qualified technician can determine and fix the exact issue.

Call AC Plus for Central Air Conditioning System Help

If your AC is running but not cooling, never try to fix the issue yourself. When you call an HVAC professional with AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we can restore your indoor and outdoor units to full functionality. Call (760) 243-4440 to schedule air conditioner services with AC Plus Heating & Cooling in Victorville, Redlands, Rancho Cucamonga, and the surrounding areas.

AC Condenser Coils: Understanding Their Vital Role in Cooling Systems

Many parts come together to deliver the cool air flowing out of your air conditioning unit. The condenser coils unarguably rank high on the list of the most important. What are AC condenser coils? What role do they play in the cooling process? We’ll cover all the answers you need below.

What Are AC Condenser Coils?

AC condenser coils refer to hollow metal coils within the outdoor unit of central air conditioning systems. Working together with evaporator coils, they help remove warm air from an indoor space.

What Is the Role of AC Condenser Coils in the Cooling Process?

AC condenser coils receive the refrigerant charged with hot air from inside your home as a hot gas. Then, they convert the hot gas back into a cool liquid refrigerant that must return to the evaporator coil to continue the process of heat absorption. This process continues for as long as you have your air conditioner turned on.

The AC condensers play a crucial role in the heat exchange process because they consist of thin copper tubes rolled inside aluminum fins. The fins help in dissipating the heat from the refrigerant into the air. 

The fan in the outdoor unit also helps to fast-track the heat dissipation process by moving outdoor air across the fins quickly.

What Happens When AC Condenser Coils Are Dirty or Damaged?

Dirty or damaged condenser coils mean a less efficient air conditioning unit. 

Dirty or damaged condenser coils make it harder for the unit to release the heat from the refrigerant to the outside air. This can also upset the balance of airflow through the air conditioning system.

Therefore, the air conditioner will have to work a lot harder to reach your set temperatures. This results in higher energy bills and more regular breakdowns. If you continue to use the air conditioner in that state, you can anticipate a premature AC replacement.

How Can You Keep Your AC Condenser Coils Working Perfectly?

You can keep your AC condenser coils working perfectly by taking steps to ensure steady airflow around them. Here’s what you can do:

  • Hire AC coil cleaning experts. Most HVAC companies clean air conditioner coils as part of their services. Scheduling the cleaning at least once a year (ideally during your annual AC maintenance) can keep the surface area of the coils free from dirt and grime.
  • Clean the coils on your own. You can clean air conditioner coils with a soft brush or a low-pressure garden hose. However, you need to be careful when cleaning the coils to avoid bending the fragile fins.
  • Keep the area around the outdoor unit free. Don’t allow shrubs to grow around it and don’t use the areas as storage space to avoid hindering airflow.

Get Professional Help With Cleaning Your AC Condenser Coils

Are you looking for an HVAC service technician you can depend on to help keep your AC condenser coils working perfectly? Call AC Plus Heating & Cooling in Southern California today at (760) 243-4440 to book an appointment.
