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Author: Matt Postoian

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Maintenance

When unfamiliar hums disrupt the usual hum of your AC unit, or your energy bills inexplicably climb despite your cautious use, it’s a wake-up call that maintenance is overdue.

The comfort of your home hinges on the smooth operation of your air conditioner, yet signs like uneven cooling, peculiar smells, persistent leaks, or the unit’s struggle to maintain the desired chill are red flags you can’t ignore.

Unusual Noises Coming From Your AC Unit

As your air conditioner goes through its cycles, paying close attention to its sounds can reveal crucial insights about its health. Unusual noises emerging from the AC unit, far from being mundane, signal a plea for maintenance or repair.

Identifying whether these sounds resemble a banging, buzzing, or whistling lays the foundation for understanding potential issues.

Reflecting on the last time your system received a thorough check-up can highlight whether these noises are routine wear and tear or indicators of a more serious problem. These cues serve as vital signs from your cooling system, urging immediate attention to prevent further damage or inefficiency.

Identify if It Is a Banging, Buzzing, or Whistling Sound

Discerning the specific nature of sounds emerging from your air conditioner is akin to unraveling a mystery that could save your system from potential breakdown. A banging sound often points toward loose or broken parts inside the condenser unit, something a skilled technician needs to address to prevent further damage. Conversely, a buzzing noise might indicate electrical issues or a problem with the air filters, while a whistling sound could be a sign of a duct leak, compromising the efficiency and performance of the air conditioner.

Understanding these audible clues is crucial in maintaining the health and longevity of your air conditioning system. Each sound, be it banging, buzzing, or whistling, signifies a different underlying issue, signaling the need for immediate inspection and maintenance. Early detection followed by professional intervention from AC Plus Heating & Cooling can not only restore your AC’s performance but also extend its service life, ensuring your space remains comfortable irrespective of the season.

Increase in Energy Bills Despite Regular Use

Observing a rise in energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage often waves a red flag regarding the health of your air conditioning system. It’s a tangible indicator that something within the system might not be functioning as efficiently as it should.

This uptick in costs, especially when compared to previous months or even years, can serve as a crucial prompt to assess the system’s efficiency.

A decrease in how effectively your air conditioner cools your home not only strains your budget but also puts undue stress on the unit itself, potentially shortening its lifespan.

This situation underscores the importance of closely monitoring your energy bills alongside your AC’s performance to identify any discrepancies that may hint at the need for maintenance.

Check if There Is a Noticeable Decrease in Efficiency

Detecting a decrease in your air conditioner’s efficiency can often start with acknowledging that rooms in your house take longer to cool down than they used to. It becomes evident when the air conditioner runs continuously, yet the desired temperature seems like a distant dream, signaling a clear call for professional maintenance.

Your Home Doesn’t Cool Down as It Used To

Experiencing a diminished cooling effect in your home can be both frustrating and indicative of an ailing air conditioner. If you notice that some rooms remain stubbornly warm while others are comfortably cool, suspect an uneven distribution of airflow, hinting at potential blockages or system imbalances.

Check the Thermostat Settings and Performance

An often overlooked culprit behind an inefficient cooling system is the thermostat. Incorrect settings or malfunctioning units can lead to excessive energy consumption and a noticeable decline in home comfort. Ensuring your thermostat is accurately set and functioning properly is a quick first step toward troubleshooting cooling issues.

Advancements in thermostat technology, like programmable or smart thermostats, offer improved control over your home’s temperature and energy use. If your home struggles to stay cool, evaluate your thermostat’s performance or consider upgrading to a more efficient model. Such a change could significantly enhance your air conditioner’s effectiveness and reduce operating costs.

Strange Odors When AC Is Running

Turning on the air conditioner only to be greeted by strange odors can be unsettling and is a telltale sign that your system needs a closer look.

These smells, far from being mere inconveniences, are often indicators of underlying issues within the unit, such as mold accumulation or electrical malfunctions. Distinguishing whether the odor is musty, suggesting the presence of mold, or has a burnt quality, hinting at potential electrical troubles, is crucial.

Proactively inspecting the unit for visible signs of mold growth or evidence of burning can prevent further damage and safeguard your home’s indoor air quality.

Determine if the Smell Is Musty or Burned

Determining the specific nature of odors emanating from your air conditioner is crucial for identifying the underlying issues. A musty smell typically suggests the presence of mold within the system, which not only affects the unit’s efficiency but also poses a health risk. On the other hand, a burnt odor could signal electrical problems, posing a serious safety hazard that requires immediate attention.

Acting on these odors promptly can prevent further complications, ensuring your air conditioning unit continues to operate safely and effectively. While a musty smell necessitates a thorough cleaning to remove mold and improve indoor air quality, a burnt scent demands a professional inspection to address any potential electrical issues before they escalate.

Frequent Cycling or Never Reaching the Desired Temperature

Noticing irregular patterns in how your air conditioning system operates, such as frequent cycling or an inability to reach and maintain the set temperature, can be warning signs of underlying issues requiring immediate attention.

When an AC unit turns on and off more often than usual or struggles to keep the household at a comfortable temperature, it reflects inefficiencies within the system. Understanding these operational quirks is crucial for determining the need for prompt maintenance, safeguarding against more significant and costly repairs down the line.

AC Plus Heating & Cooling is Here for You!

Paying attention to the signals your air conditioner emits is crucial for its efficiency, longevity, and your comfort. Strange noises, such as banging, buzzing, or whistling, indicate various potential issues ranging from loose parts to duct leaks that necessitate professional attention.

An increase in energy bills despite regular use or a noticeable decrease in cooling efficiency signals that the system is not operating as it should. Also, if your home doesn’t cool down evenly or certain rooms remain warmer than others, it may point towards airflow blockages or thermostat issues requiring assessment.

Addressing these signs promptly through professional maintenance with AC Plus not only restores your air conditioner’s performance but also prevents costly repairs, extending the system’s service life and ensuring your home remains comfortable and safe.

The Importance of Timely Heater Repairs During the Winter Months 

In Victorville, CA, where the desert’s cold can be as surprising as its heat, the value of a well-functioning heater becomes unmistakably clear during the winter months. As the community enjoys the serene beauty of the Mojave River or the bustling streets of Downtown Victorville, the comfort of returning to a warm home is unparalleled. With AC Plus Heating & Cooling, ensuring that your heater is in top condition is our priority. 

Navigating Heater Repairs: What You Need to Know 

Heater repairs, critical for maintaining the comfort and safety of your home during the winter months, involve a comprehensive range of services designed to address and rectify any issues your heating system may encounter. These services are important for several reasons: They ensure that your heating system runs efficiently, they extend the lifespan of your heater by preventing minor issues from escalating into major problems, and they keep your energy costs manageable by ensuring that your system is running as efficiently as possible. 

Knowing all of this will empower you to make decisions about maintenance and repairs before they have a chance to escalate into something much worse. That will help your heating system stay reliable and effective throughout the colder months. 

Maximizing Winter Warmth: A Guide to Heater Efficiency 

In Victorville, CA, where temperatures can dip when you least expect it, having a heating system in top-notch condition is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. This guide aims to walk you through innovative heating solutions and timely repair practices that guarantee your living space stays warm, inviting, and energy efficient. 

By adopting a proactive approach to heater repairs and maintenance, you not only safeguard your home’s comfort but also optimize its heating efficiency. Let’s dive into how keeping your heater in prime condition can transform your winter experience, ensuring it’s marked by comfort and warmth, not cold and inconvenient. 

  • Ensuring Home Comfort and Well-Being 
  • Preventing Further Damage and Costly Repairs 
  • Avoiding Emergency Breakdowns and Inconvenience 
  • Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Lowering Bills 
  • Maximizing System Longevity 

Ensuring Home Comfort and Well-Being 

The comfort of your home during winter deeply depends on the effectiveness of your heating system. Timely repairs are essential for keeping your living space warm and ensuring that everyone inside feels comfortable. When heaters work as they should, the risk of cold spots within your house diminishes, directly contributing to a more enjoyable and healthier living environment. 

  • Addressing heating issues quickly means uninterrupted warmth. 
  • A functional heater is key to a comfortable and healthy home environment. 
  • Prompt repairs support your heating system’s ability to maintain consistent temperatures. 

Timely attention to heater repairs ensures your home remains a comfortable sanctuary during the cold months. 

Preventing Further Damage and Costly Repairs 

Acting swiftly on heater repairs can prevent small issues from turning into significant problems. When you tackle heating system concerns as they arise, you’re not just fixing immediate issues; you’re also protecting your system from future damage that can lead to extensive and expensive repairs. This approach not only saves you money in the long run but also extends the lifespan of your heating system, ensuring it operates efficiently for as long as possible. 

  • Early repair efforts keep your heating system in optimal condition. 
  • Preventative maintenance minimizes the risk of severe damage. 
  • Addressing repairs promptly can lead to significant cost savings over time. 

By focusing on timely heater repairs, you’re investing in the long-term functionality and efficiency of your heating system, preventing further damage, and avoiding the inconvenience and cost of emergency repairs. 

Avoiding Emergency Breakdowns and Inconvenience 

A sudden heater breakdown in the middle of winter isn’t just inconvenient. It poses genuine health risks, especially during extreme cold. Being proactive about maintenance and timely repairs is your best defense against the chill, ensuring you and your loved ones remain warm and safe. 

  • Regularly check your heating system for signs of wear or damage. 
  • Schedule annual inspections to catch and fix potential issues before they escalate. 
  • Keep filters clean and vents unobstructed to promote good airflow and system health. 

You can significantly reduce the risk of unexpected heater failures if you follow these steps. Staying ahead of maintenance keeps you comfortable and avoids the stress of emergency repairs when the cold hits hardest. 

Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Lowering Bills 

An efficiently running heater optimizes your home’s energy use, leading to lower utility bills. Timely heater repairs and consistent upkeep ensure your system runs as efficiently as possible, stretching your dollars further during the winter months. 

  • Seal windows and doors to prevent heat loss, enhancing your heater’s effectiveness. 
  • Upgrade to a programmable thermostat for better control over your heating and energy savings. 
  • Consider energy-efficient models for replacements or when upgrading your system. 

Adopting these practices contributes to noticeable savings in energy costs. A well-maintained heating system is key to balancing comfort with the economy, making efficient heating a smart choice for every household. 

Maximizing System Longevity 

Ensuring your heater receives timely repairs and consistent maintenance directly contributes to the longevity of your heating system. A well-cared-for heater not only encounters fewer breakdowns but can also significantly outlast systems that are neglected or only receive attention when a breakdown occurs. This proactive approach to heater health keeps your system running smoothly for years, offering both warmth and reliability when you need it most. 

  • Regular Maintenance: Keeps the system running efficiently, reducing wear and tear on critical components. 
  • Timely Repairs: Addressing issues as soon as they arise prevents minor problems from causing lasting damage. 
  • Professional Inspections: Annual check-ups by professionals can catch and rectify issues that aren’t always obvious to homeowners. 

By investing in the care of your heating system now, you’re setting the stage for a future of reliable, efficient heating. 

Secure Your Winter Warmth: Take Action Now 

As we navigate the winter months in Victorville, CA, the importance of maintaining a reliable and efficient heating system cannot be overstated. Timely heater repairs ensure your home remains a comfortable refuge, prevent costly damages, and keep energy consumption in check. 

At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we’re committed to providing the expertise and services you need to keep your heater running smoothly. Proactive heater maintenance is the key to a warm and worry-free winter. Reach out to us for all your heating repair needs, and let’s ensure your home stays cozy and efficient all season long.

The Importance of Professional Heating System Inspections in the Winter 

As the Mojave continues to give way to cooler days in Redlands, CA, thoughts turn to the warmth and comfort of our homes. The desert’s stark beauty in winter is a reminder of nature’s simplicity and the need for our living spaces to embody that same tranquil reliability. 

At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we’re gearing up to ensure your home remains a cozy oasis. Our focus is not just on the immediate but on the enduring peace of mind that comes from a well-maintained heating system as you enjoy the seasons change year over year, perhaps watching the sunset from the Mojave Narrows Regional Park or strolling through the bustling streets downtown. 

Preparing Your Sanctuary for the Cold 

As you savor the calm that precedes the winter rush, it’s crucial to consider the heart of your home’s comfort: the heating system. A professional inspection of your heating unit isn’t merely a precaution; it’s a proactive strategy to secure the warmth of your home. Such inspections delve into the system’s intricacies, identifying any wear or potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs during the colder months.

At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we believe in a thorough approach—examining each element of your heating system, from the pilot light’s blue flame to the heat exchanger’s integrity, ensuring every component is in top shape. This care not only safeguards your comfort but also optimizes your system’s efficiency, contributing to both a reduced carbon footprint and the longevity of your heating unit. 

Ensuring Peak Heating Performance in Redlands, CA’s Winters 

As the winds shift in Redlands, CA, bringing the chill from the High Desert, a reliable heating system is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. But beyond comfort, there’s an environmental imperative to keep your heating unit in prime condition. At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we specialize in transforming the necessity of warmth into an opportunity for environmental stewardship. 

A well-maintained heating unit isn’t just a source of warmth. It’s a statement of your commitment to energy conservation and responsible living. The benefits of regular heating inspections and maintenance are twofold: ensuring your system operates at peak efficiency and minimizing its impact on the environment. 

Here are the crucial steps and their benefits: 

  • Heating Inspections 
  • Filter Replacements 
  • System Calibration 
  • Ductwork Checks 
  • Regular Maintenance Scheduling 

Heating Inspections: Ensuring Winter Readiness 

As you nestle into the comfort of your Redlands, CA home, consider the role of a professional heating inspection. This crucial evaluation, performed by experts like us at AC Plus Heating & Cooling, goes beyond a surface check. Our technicians scrutinize your system to verify that every component is in optimal condition, from the furnace flame sensor to the safety switches. 

This attention to detail can prevent the inconvenience of breakdowns during cold snaps, ensuring your heating system functions smoothly when you need it most. Benefits include heightened efficiency, which leads to lower utility costs and a reduced environmental impact, as well as the assurance that your home will remain a cozy haven throughout the winter months. 

Filter Replacements: The Clear Path to Efficiency 

In the pursuit of maintaining a pristine environment inside your home, filter replacements stand out as a simple yet impactful measure. 

Over time, filters accumulate dust and debris, obstructing airflow and forcing your heating system to work harder. This not only compromises your comfort but also strains your system. Regular filter changes, a service we provide with care at AC Plus Heating & Cooling, ensure clean air circulation, which is essential for both efficient system operation and your family’s respiratory health. With a clean filter, your heating unit can perform at its peak, providing warmth more effectively and economically while also contributing to the longevity of the system. 

System Calibration: Precision in Comfort Control 

Calibration of your heating system is akin to fine-tuning an instrument—it’s about perfecting the operation for harmonious performance. When AC Plus Heating & Cooling calibrates your system, we’re adjusting it to respond accurately to your thermostat’s commands, ensuring you get just the right amount of heat. 

This precision avoids the energy waste associated with overheating and the discomfort of underheating. Properly calibrated, your system distributes heat more evenly and runs only when necessary, which can extend the life of your furnace and trim your energy bills. This meticulous process, often overlooked, is vital for efficient home heating, providing you with a comfortable, cost-effective, and environmentally conscious living space. 

Ductwork Checks: Sealing in Efficiency 

Ductwork is the circulatory system of your heating unit, and just like veins and arteries, it needs to be unobstructed to function effectively. During our inspections at AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we examine your ducts for leaks and blockages that can compromise heating efficiency. 

Sealing leaks and insulating ducts prevent heat loss, ensuring that every bit of warmth is delivered to your living areas in Redlands, CA. The benefits of well-maintained ductwork extend beyond comfort. They include improved air quality and reduced strain on your heating system, preventing costly repairs and saving energy—a proactive step toward a greener, more sustainable home. 

Regular Maintenance Scheduling: The Keystone of Heating Efficiency 

Regular maintenance scheduling is the cornerstone of a heating system’s longevity and reliability. In Redlands, CA, where the desert climate brings a unique set of challenges, AC Plus Heating & Cooling knows the value of a well-timed tune-up. By adhering to a scheduled maintenance plan, you ensure that your heating unit is examined and optimized before it’s put to the test by winter’s demands. 

This foresight can lead to discovering inefficiencies that, if left unchecked, could spiral into larger issues. Regular maintenance keeps your system running smoothly, reduces the risk of emergency breakdowns, and maintains heating efficiency, which means your home stays warm while using less energy—an approach that’s as friendly to your wallet as it is to the environment. 

Embrace Winter with Assurance 

The assurance of a winter spent in comfort begins with the steps taken before the cold sets in. By scheduling a heating inspection with AC Plus Heating & Cooling, you’re choosing to prioritize both your comfort and your heating system’s health. 

Don’t let Redlands, CA’s chill catch you unprepared. Contact us today, and embrace winter, knowing your home will be the warm retreat you deserve.

Energy Efficiency: Top Strategies for Lower Heating Costs in Redlands, CA

As the clear skies of Redlands give way to the cool desert nights, the importance of a warm, inviting home becomes ever more apparent. In a city where the stars shine brightly above, and the Mojave winds whisper the onset of winter, a reliable heating system is essential for comfort and solace. 

AC Plus Heating & Cooling is at the forefront, ensuring that every Redlands home is a bastion of warmth where families gather in comfort, shielded from the evening chill.

Building the Foundation of Holiday Warmth 

The holidays in Redlands, CA are not just about the decorative lights or the festive cheer. They’re also about ensuring your abode is primed for comfort and efficiency. A robust heating system is central to this comfort, allowing you to bask in the warmth of your home without the worry of unexpected repairs.

Energy-Efficient Habits: Your Blueprint for Savings 

Creating a warm and inviting home for the holidays starts with adopting energy-efficient habits. It’s about setting your thermostat to a comfortable yet economical temperature (around 68º or lower when possible), dressing warmly indoors to avoid cranking up the heat and leveraging smart devices to manage your heating in Redlands, CA effectively. 

Other energy-efficient habits include:

  • Insulation and Sealing
  • Regular System Checks
  • Embracing Natural Warmth
  • Mindful Heat Usage

Insulation and Sealing

In the heart of Redlands, where each home is unique, proper insulation and sealing stand as the guardians against the winter’s reach and keep your heating bills manageable. Ensuring your home is well-insulated is akin to wrapping it in a thermal blanket—it’s a fundamental step to retain heat and maintain a comfortable environment. 

Consider the attic, often overlooked yet crucial in preventing heat from rising right out of your house. Weather stripping and caulking around windows and doors are not just minute details; they are critical in creating a complete seal against the cold, much like the way Redlands’ community comes together to create a complete, vibrant city.

It’s these efforts in insulation and sealing that can make a significant difference in how your home feels and also how much you spend on HVAC bills. With AC Plus Heating & Cooling, you can rest assured that every nook will be checked and every gap sealed, fortifying your home against the winter chill.

Regular System Checks

The reliability of your home’s heating system through the frosty Redlands winter hinges on regular and thorough system checks. Your heating system requires consistent maintenance to maintain low heating bills.

  • Filter Replacement: A clean filter ensures proper airflow and efficiency. It’s the easiest step in maintenance yet one of the most impactful.
  • Thermostat Calibration: Confirming the accuracy of your thermostat ensures that your heating system is operating based on the correct temperature readings.
  • Ductwork Inspection: Leaks in ductwork can lead to significant heat loss. A thorough examination can find and seal these leaks to improve overall system efficiency.
  • Boiler or Furnace Tune-Up: Regular servicing of your furnace or boiler can extend its lifespan, prevent unexpected failures, and maintain a warm and safe home environment.
  • Safety Check: Ensuring all components of your heating system are functioning safely to protect your home and family from potential hazards.

At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we treat each system check with the utmost importance, understanding that each point is critical to your Redlands home’s winter readiness and will determine your heating bills. Our meticulous approach ensures that your heating system not only keeps you comfortable but does so efficiently and reliably throughout the holiday season and beyond.

Embracing Natural Warmth

Maximizing the use of natural heat sources in your Redlands home not only contributes to lower heating bills but also to a sustainable lifestyle. Making the most of the winter sun’s warmth can significantly reduce the need for artificial heating.

  • Open Curtains for Direct Sunlight: During daylight hours, keep curtains open to allow the sun to naturally warm your living spaces. The greenhouse effect created by the sun’s rays can raise indoor temperatures, giving your heating system a much-deserved break.
  • Use Thermal Mass to Retain Heat: Consider incorporating materials with high thermal mass, like stone or brick, in your decor. These materials absorb heat during the day and slowly release it at night, maintaining a comfortable temperature around the clock.
  • Strategic Landscaping for Wind Protection: Planting evergreen trees or shrubs on the north and northwest sides of your property can act as a windbreak, protecting your home from cold winds and reducing the wind chill factor that can make your heating system work harder.
  • Thermal Curtains for Insulation: As the sun sets, close heavy, insulated curtains to keep the day’s warmth from escaping. These curtains act as an extra barrier to heat loss, ensuring that your home stays warm on even the coldest nights.
  • Ceiling Fans to Circulate Warmth: Reverse your ceiling fans to run clockwise at a low speed. This simple action pushes warm air that rises back down into the living space, balancing the room’s temperature.

Mindful Heat Usage

In Redlands’ brisk winters, being mindful of heat usage extends beyond the settings on your thermostat; it involves integrating warmth into your daily activities. Running heat-generating appliances like dryers and ovens during cooler times can add a layer of welcome warmth to your home that you don’t need to contribute to your heating bills. This not only utilizes the byproduct of chores you’re already doing but also aligns with energy-efficient practices by reducing the need for your heating system to work overtime. 

After baking, for instance, leaving the oven door ajar as it cools can subtly increase the kitchen’s temperature, contributing to a cozy atmosphere for family gatherings. It’s these small, smart habits that, when combined, contribute significantly to maintaining a comfortable, energy-efficient home. 

AC Plus Heating & Cooling champions these simple yet effective strategies, helping you to make the most of your home’s ambient warmth throughout the holiday season.

Embrace the Warmth with AC Plus Heating & Cooling 

As Redlands, CA  gears up for the holiday season, ensure your home’s heating systems are up to the task with AC Plus Heating & Cooling. 

With a focus on energy efficiency and system health, we’ll help you craft the perfect winter setting in your home to keep heating bills low. Connect with us today to prepare your space for the holidays and beyond, guaranteeing a season filled with warmth, comfort, and joy.

Chill Out? Not Quite! Tackling the Cold Air Mystery in Your Heating System

Why Is My Heating System Blowing Cold Air?

As autumn paints the San Gabriel Mountains in a cascade of reds and golds, homeowners in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, are settling into the cooler evenings, perfect for cozy gatherings and warm conversations. The change of seasons is not just about the beautiful landscapes or the anticipation of holiday festivities—it’s also the time when you rely on your heating system to keep that chill at bay. 

But what happens when your trusty heater begins blowing cold air instead of the comforting warmth you expect? Let’s explore some common culprits of this cold air conundrum and how AC Plus Heating & Cooling stands ready with heating repair to bring the warmth back to your Rancho Cucamonga home.

Uncovering the Cold Air Mystery

Understanding the intricacies of your home’s heating system is key to maintaining a cozy atmosphere when the temperatures outside start to drop. A well-functioning heater operates seamlessly, yet when it begins to blow cold air, it could be a sign of various underlying issues, from simple filter blockages to more complex mechanical failures. 

Heating systems, an amalgamation of sensors, motors, and ducts, work in concert to keep your home’s environment at a set comfort level. In Rancho Cucamonga, where the climate demands reliability from your heating, AC Plus Heating & Cooling stands ready to address these challenges with heating repair. Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of potential fixes, ensuring that each component, whether it’s the pilot light, the furnace blower, or the thermostat, is evaluated and serviced to uphold the warmth of your home.

Common Reasons for Heating Systems Blowing Cold Air

As the chill of the evening sets in, the last thing any homeowner wants is for their sanctuary to be compromised by a gust of cold air from their heating system. However, when your heater starts acting more like an air conditioner, it’s crucial to pinpoint the cause and get heating repairs if needed. From simple maintenance oversights to more complex mechanical issues, let’s explore the common culprits behind a heating system’s unexpected cold breeze.

  • Thermostat Troubles
  • Pilot Light or Ignition Issues
  • Dirty Air Filters
  • Ductwork Dilemmas
  • Furnace Overload

Thermostat Troubles

The thermostat acts as the command center of your heating system, dictating the warmth of your home with just a small adjustment. However, when thermostat issues arise, they can manifest as cold air bursts when you’re expecting heat. Incorrect settings, a malfunctioning sensor, or even something as simple as dead batteries can disrupt communication with the heating system.

It’s also essential to ensure the thermostat is calibrated correctly; a misreading can lead to inadequate heating. By scheduling regular check-ups and promptly calling for heating repair to address these anomalies in temperature control, homeowners can prevent these thermostat troubles from chilling their indoor air.

Pilot Light or Ignition Issues

The pilot light in traditional gas heating systems and the ignition system in modern units are crucial for starting the heating process. If the pilot light goes out or the ignition fails, the furnace cannot produce heat, resulting in the circulation of unwarmed air. Issues could stem from a variety of sources, including clogged pilot orifices, faulty electrical components, or even interruptions in the gas supply. 

Regular maintenance ensures these components are clean and functional, while advanced diagnostic tools can help identify electrical faults before they lead to a chilly surprise. Timely intervention by professional heating repair can quickly restore your system’s warmth, ensuring those cold air woes become a distant memory.

Dirty Air Filters

Air filters are the unsung heroes of a heating system, working silently to capture dust, allergens, and other airborne particles. When they become clogged with debris, airflow is significantly hindered, leading to a system struggling to circulate warm air effectively. This obstruction can cause the system to blow cold air, as the heated air cannot pass through the dense filter. 

To maintain consistent heating performance, filters should be checked monthly and replaced or cleaned as needed. A clean air filter not only enhances air quality but also safeguards the furnace from dust-induced wear and tear, optimizing your home’s warmth and energy efficiency.

Ductwork Dilemmas

Ductwork is the network of tunnels that delivers warmth from your furnace to the various rooms in your home. Any leaks, holes, or disconnections in this system can be a silent culprit for heat loss, resulting in cooler-than-expected air output. 

Inconsistent duct insulation or blockages from debris can also cause uneven heating, with some areas receiving warm air while others are left cold. Regular inspections of the ductwork can reveal hidden issues that, once addressed, can restore balance and efficiency to your heating system, ensuring every room receives its share of comforting warmth.

Furnace Overload

Your furnace can go into safety mode and shut down if it’s overloaded, which can often result from an ongoing issue that hasn’t been resolved, such as a dirty air filter or blocked vents. This shutdown can lead to a temporary output of cold air. In some cases, the furnace might continuously cycle on and off, failing to reach the set temperature and consequently blowing cool air. 

Preventive maintenance is vital to address these issues before they lead to a complete system shutdown that will require heating repair. Having a technician service your furnace annually can keep it running smoothly and prevent the inconvenience of a furnace overload just when you need heating the most.

AC Plus to the Rescue

Fortunately, the skilled team at AC Plus Heating & Cooling is well-versed in diagnosing and remedying these issues. With our deep understanding of heating systems and dedication to the community, we ensure that the residents of Rancho Cucamonga, CA, enjoy a warm and comfortable home environment, even as the leaves turn. 

From precision repairs to comprehensive maintenance, we provide tailored solutions that keep your heater in prime condition. Our commitment is to offer reliable, quick, and efficient heating repair services, restoring your comfort without delay.

Embrace the Warmth With Confidence

As we transition into the cooler months, ensuring your heating system operates flawlessly is not just a comfort matter—it’s a necessity for the well-being of your home and family. Timely maintenance and addressing issues like dirty air filters, ductwork dilemmas, and furnace overloads can save you from the discomfort of cold air when warmth is most needed. 

Don’t let a minor issue turn into a winter emergency. Reach out to AC Plus Heating & Cooling for comprehensive heating repair in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Schedule your service now to guarantee a cozy and reliable sanctuary against the cold. Your comfort is our commitment, and we’re here to ensure your heating system is ready for the season ahead.

The Scary Consequences Of Skipping Heating Maintenance

As winter gradually sweeps across Redlands, CA and surrounding areas, many locals anticipate the cozy nights ahead, tucked away in the warmth of their homes. As the temperature drops, the last thing anyone wants is to face unexpected heating issues. That’s where heating maintenance steps in, ensuring that Redlands residents always have a reliable source of warmth throughout the colder months.

Demystifying Heating Care: A Deeper Look With AC Plus

At the heart of every cozy winter evening is a heating system running at its peak. But what does it take to keep your heater performing optimally? Let’s journey through the comprehensive suite of heating maintenance services offered by AC Plus Heating & Cooling:

  1. Inspection of System Components: Our skilled technicians meticulously examine every aspect of your heating system, ensuring all parts function as they should. This involves checking the thermostat settings, electrical connections, and heat exchangers, making sure your home’s warmth is uninterrupted.
  2. Cleaning Filters and Burners: Over time, filters and burners can accumulate dirt and debris. Our heating maintenance in Redlands, CA, ensures these components are thoroughly cleaned, optimizing airflow and burner efficiency.
  3. Lubrication: Moving parts in the heating system, if not lubricated, can wear out faster. We ensure they’re adequately oiled, minimizing wear and tear and prolonging system life.
  4. Safety Checks: From examining the flame sensor to monitoring gas pressure, our team ensures that every safety component of your heating system is up to the mark. Ensuring your heater is safe is a priority, preventing potential hazards.
  5. Calibration of Thermostat: An accurately calibrated thermostat ensures that the temperature you set is the temperature you get. Our experts will adjust and test your thermostat for accurate readings.
  6. Examination of Ductwork: Ensuring the ductwork is free from leaks or blockages is essential. By doing so, we guarantee efficient heat distribution throughout your Redlands home.
  7. Performance Analysis: Post-maintenance, our team conducts a performance analysis to ensure your heating system operates at its best, promising you reliable heating repairs in Redlands, CA, if ever needed.

Staying informed about the intricacies of your heating system not only ensures longevity but also guarantees a hassle-free winter experience. And with AC Plus Heating & Cooling by your side, Redlands residents are always in good hands.

Why Redlands Residents Can’t Afford To Overlook Heating Maintenance

A skip in routine heating maintenance might seem inconsequential in the short run. However, the long-term repercussions can be dire. It’s scary what you can miss out on if you skip your annual heater maintenance:

  • Extended Equipment Lifespan
  • Reduced Utility Bills
  • Fewer Repair Calls
  • Optimal Air Quality
  • Consistent Heating Performance
  • Peace of Mind

Extended Equipment Lifespan

One of the primary advantages of routine heating maintenance is the added years to your heating system’s life. Think about your heater as you would a car. Regular tune-ups keep it running smoothly, avoiding unexpected breakdowns. With Redlands’s unpredictable chilly nights, an efficient heating system is a necessity, not a luxury. By investing in regular heating maintenance in Redlands, CA, you’re essentially securing warmth for your home for many winters to come.

Reduced Utility Bills

When your heating system runs optimally, it uses less energy, directly translating to savings on your monthly bills. You might not notice the slight efficiency drop initially, but over time, a neglected heater can cost you considerably more in energy expenses. With our tailored heating maintenance services in Redlands, CA, AC Plus ensures your system remains energy-efficient. By taking this proactive step, you’re not just keeping your home cozy but also pocket-friendly.

Fewer Repair Calls

No one likes the inconvenience of sudden repair needs, especially during the peak of winter. Regular heating maintenance acts as a preventive measure, identifying potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. By addressing these minor concerns early on, you’re saving yourself the hassle and expense of major breakdowns. Should you ever need heating repairs in Redlands, CA, you can rest assured knowing AC Plus has got your back, ensuring swift resolutions.

Optimal Air Quality

A well-maintained heating system isn’t just about warmth; it’s also about the quality of air circulating in your home. Over time, dust, allergens, and other particles can accumulate in your system, negatively impacting indoor air quality in Redlands, CA and surrounding areas.

Through our comprehensive maintenance service, we ensure these unwanted pollutants are kept at bay. As a result, every breath you take is cleaner, ensuring a healthier living environment for you and your family.

Consistent Heating Performance

The comfort of your home relies heavily on the consistent performance of your heating system. Imagine a scenario where some rooms are too warm while others remain cold. Inconsistent heating can be a sign of underlying issues in your system. Regular heating maintenance in Redlands, CA ensures that the heat distribution throughout your home remains uniform, eliminating cold spots and ensuring each corner of your Redlands residence receives its fair share of warmth.

Additionally, consistent performance means you won’t be incessantly adjusting your thermostat. AC Plus takes pride in ensuring Redlands residents experience the comfort they deserve, with every room at just the right temperature.

Peace of Mind

There’s an unmatched comfort in knowing that your heating system won’t fail you when you need it the most. With Redlands’s cold spells, a reliable heating system becomes imperative. By prioritizing regular heating maintenance, you’re not just investing in your heating system but also in your peace of mind. Let AC Plus shoulder the responsibility of your heating system so you can focus on what truly matters—cherishing warm moments with loved ones.

Secure Your Comfort Today!

Ensuring your heating system gets its annual check can save you from a world of trouble. AC Plus Heating & Cooling is dedicated to providing top-quality heating maintenance services to Redlands, CA, and the surrounding areas. Don’t wait for problems to arise; stay proactive and ensure your comfort and safety.

Ready to schedule heating services, which includes furnace repair, in Redlands, CA? Contact us today, and we’ll ensure your winters remain warm and worry-free.

The Best Local Spots In Victorville, CA

Living in the scenic city of Victorville, California combines desert charm and modern living. As homeowners here, we understand the joy of waking up to those stunning High Desert sunrises and the allure of exploring local gems like the iconic Route 66 Museum or the serene Mojave Narrows Regional Park. As a local HVAC company in Victorville, CA, the AC Plus Heating & Cooling family loves to support other local businesses. In this article, we will list and discuss some of our team’s favorite places within our community for both Victorville natives and tourists to enjoy.

Places To Eat In Victorville, CA

Victorville boasts a vibrant culinary scene that reflects our rich diversity and the flavors of the High Desert. There’s a diverse range of culinary delights waiting to be savored. And for those seeking unique dining experiences, Victorville offers gems guaranteed to exceed your expectations.

Whether you’re a food enthusiast or simply looking to explore the local dining scene, restaurants in Victorville, CA, promise a delightful journey through a world of flavors right in the heart of the desert.

Mi Ranchito

Mi Ranchito is a beloved local joint that transports you to the heart of Mexico with its authentic cuisine. From sizzling fajitas and mouth watering enchiladas to freshly made guacamole and the zesty flavors of street tacos, Mi Ranchito’s menu is a testament to the rich tapestry of Mexican cuisine. In between appointments for AC replacement in Victorville, CA, our team enjoys grabbing lunch at Mi Ranchito!

Sushi House

Sushi House is the go-to place in Victorville for sushi lovers. Their skilled chefs prepare a wide array of sushi, sashimi, and hot dishes like teriyaki and tempura. The elegant ambiance and friendly service add to the overall dining experience. Enjoy the unique cuisines and warmth of Sushi House when you are in the downtown area.

El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant

El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant is a beloved local spot for Mexican food enthusiasts. They serve traditional dishes like tacos, enchiladas, and tamales, focusing on fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Enjoy the opportunity to pair your meal with their signature margaritas for the ultimate dining experience.

Emma Jean’s Holland Burger Café

For a taste of classic American fare with a dose of nostalgia, Emma Jean’s Holland Burger Café is the place to be. For generations, this iconic diner has served mouthwatering burgers, hearty breakfasts, and homestyle comfort food. The friendly atmosphere and vintage charm make it a local favorite, and their famous “Holland Burger” is a must-try.

Things To Do In Victorville, CA

Victorville, California offers many exciting experiences and vibrant community events catering to residents and visitors alike. From exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage to embracing the great outdoors, Victorville offers various activities that promise fun, adventure, and connection.

Whether you’re a local looking for new experiences or a traveler passing through, Victorville has a delightful tapestry of activities waiting to be explored. So, let’s look at this vibrant city and uncover the hidden treasures that make Victorville a remarkable destination.

Mojave Narrows Regional Park

Located along the meandering Mojave River, Mojave Narrows Regional Park offers a serene escape into nature. Hike scenic trails, go fishing or boating in the park’s lakes, and enjoy picnics amid lush greenery. It’s a haven for birdwatchers and a perfect spot to unwind, just minutes away from the city’s hustle and bustle. When not providing AC repair in Victorville, CA, you can find some of the AC Plus team enjoying time outdoors at Mojave Narrows Regional Park!

California Route 66 Museum

Take a nostalgic journey along the historic Route 66 at the California Route 66 Museum. Explore exhibits that showcase the iconic highway’s history, vintage cars, and memorabilia. It’s a fascinating glimpse into America’s past and a must-visit for history buffs and travelers. Visit the California Route 66 Museum and take a trip back in time.

Victor Valley Museum

Delve into the rich history of the Victor Valley region at the Victor Valley Museum. Discover Native American artifacts, learn about the area’s mining heritage, and explore exhibits celebrating the diverse cultures that have shaped Victorville. It’s an educational and engaging experience for all ages, offering insights into the city’s roots. Enjoy the vast exhibits on display and experience the city’s rich history.

Other Businesses In Victorville, CA

Maintaining a comfortable and conducive environment is paramount for companies in Victorville, CA, and AC Plus Heating & Cooling is a steadfast partner in this endeavor. We are proud of local entrepreneurs and the role they play in the city’s growth and development. Here are a couple local businesses our team recommends in Victorville.

  • High Desert Medical Center: High Desert Medical Center, a cornerstone of healthcare in Victorville, is one of the most reputable healthcare facilities in the city. Access quality care and ensure the well-being of your loved ones.
  • Victor Valley College: Victor Valley College is a regional education hub that has nurtured the future of Victorville, the state, and the nation. Whether you are looking to further your studies or learn a new skill, Victor Valley College is the place for you.
  • AC Plus Heating & Cooling: To keep your home comfortable year-round, having a reliable HVAC partner is essential. In Victorville, California, AC Plus is a trusted and dedicated HVAC company committed to delivering exceptional customer service. With a focus on prompt, reliable, and budget-friendly solutions, AC Plus has earned a reputation for excellence in the region. Trust our team for heating and AC repair in Victorville, CA, along with a variety of other HVAC services!

Call AC Plus, A Local HVAC Company In Victorville!

Our professional HVAC services in Victorville, CA play a vital role in maintaining the comfort and functionality of your home or workplace. As a reputable HVAC company, we use all the tools at our disposal to enhance the comfort of your indoor spaces. By ensuring efficient climate control, we contribute to the community’s well-being and success.

As we work diligently to keep essential spaces running smoothly, we take pride in being part of a city that boasts a vibrant array of local spots, each adding to Victorville’s unique charm and appeal. Contact us today at AC Plus Heating & Cooling for quality AC repair in Victorville, CA.

Is Your Home Heating Up? Here’s Why:

Discovering Victorville, California’s hidden gems is a delightful journey through a vibrant tapestry of local spots. The High Desert’s warm embrace offers many attractions, each brimming with local charm and character. From the charming Victorville Old Town to the Mojave Narrows Regional Park, there is something for everyone during these hot summer months. When you return home after a hot day, you expect your air conditioner to welcome you with nice, cold air. However, air conditioners can malfunction due to the system’s various components. In this blog, we discuss causes of AC repair in Victorville, CA and surrounding areas.

The Basics Of Air Conditioner Operation

To understand the common causes of air conditioner malfunctions, it’s essential to grasp how an air conditioning system operates. Air conditioners work on the principle of heat transfer, utilizing a closed-loop refrigeration cycle to cool indoor spaces. Here’s a simplified explanation of the process:

  • Compression: The refrigeration cycle starts with the compressor, which compresses low-pressure, low-temperature refrigerant gas into high-pressure, high-temperature gas. This compression increases the refrigerant’s energy.
  • Condensation: The high-pressure refrigerant gas flows through the condenser coils located outside the home. As the outdoor air passes over the coils, the refrigerant releases heat and condenses into a high-pressure liquid.
  • Expansion: The high-pressure liquid then passes through the expansion valve or metering device, where its pressure reduces, causing it to expand into a low-pressure, low-temperature mixture.
  • Evaporation: The low-pressure refrigerant enters the evaporator coils inside the home, absorbing heat from the indoor air. This heat absorption cools the air, and the refrigerant evaporates into a low-pressure gas.
  • Recompression: The cycle repeats as the low-pressure gas returns to the compressor, starting the process again.

Air Conditioning System Components

There are several critical components of an AC system. Here is a brief description of each one:

  • Air Handler: The air handler is the indoor unit of the air conditioner, which houses the evaporator coil, blower, and air filter. It circulates the cooled air throughout the home, ensuring a comfortable indoor temperature.
  • Outdoor Unit: The outdoor unit, commonly known as the condenser unit, contains the compressor, condenser coil, and fan. Its primary function is to release the heat absorbed from indoor air into the outdoor environment.
  • Refrigerant Lines: Refrigerant lines connect the indoor and outdoor units, carrying the refrigerant back and forth during the cooling process.
  • Thermostat: The thermostat acts as the control center of the air conditioner. It senses the indoor temperature and signals the system to turn on or off to maintain the desired temperature setting.
  • Air Filters: Air filters are essential components that trap dust, debris, and allergens from the incoming air. Regularly cleaning or replacing the filters is crucial to maintaining efficient airflow and preventing malfunctions.

Is Your Home Too Hot? The Usual Culprits

Air conditioning units are critical in maintaining a comfortable home, especially during hot weather. The last thing you want is for your home to heat up in the heat of summer, rendering your indoor spaces uncomfortable. When you suspect a problem with your system, call a professional like AC Plus for AC repair in Redlands, CA. Here are telltale signs you need maintenance:

  • Clogged Air Filters
  • Refrigerant Leaks
  • Faulty Compressor
  • Electrical Problems
  • Frozen Evaporator Coils
  • Thermostat Problems

Clogged Air Filters

Clogged air filters are among the most common reasons for an air conditioner malfunction. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris accumulate on the filters, hindering proper airflow. Restricted airflow reduces the unit’s cooling capacity, leading to inadequate cooling and increased energy consumption. Regularly replacing or cleaning the air filters is essential to maintain efficient cooling and prevent potential breakdowns.

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is crucial in cooling, absorbing, and releasing heat to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. However, air conditioners may experience refrigerant leaks due to wear and tear, poor installation, or manufacturing defects. Low refrigerant levels can cause the system to blow warm air instead of cool air. Call a professional HVAC technician to locate and repair the leak and adequately recharge the refrigerant.

Faulty Compressor

The compressor is the heart of an air conditioning system, compressing and circulating the refrigerant. A malfunctioning compressor can lead to reduced cooling capacity or no cool air. Compressor issues may arise from electrical problems, motor failure, or overheating. Fixing or replacing a faulty compressor is a complex task requiring a trained technician’s expertise.

Electrical Problems

Electrical problems can disrupt the proper functioning of your air conditioner. Issues such as faulty wiring, blown fuses, or tripped circuit breakers can prevent the unit from receiving the required power to operate efficiently. In some cases, electrical malfunctions may lead to the system turning on and off repeatedly, further straining the components.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

The evaporator coils absorb heat from the indoor air to cool it down. However, when dust and dirt accumulate on the coils, or there’s insufficient airflow, condensation can freeze on the coils, forming ice. This ice buildup restricts heat absorption and can cause the air conditioner to blow warm air. Regular AC maintenance in Redlands, CA, is vital to prevent this issue.

Thermostat Problems

An incorrectly calibrated or malfunctioning thermostat can lead to inconsistent or no cooling. If the thermostat cannot accurately read the indoor temperature, it may not signal the air conditioner to turn on when needed. Checking and recalibrating the thermostat, or replacing it if necessary, can resolve this problem.

The Benefits Of AC Maintenance With AC Plus

AC Plus is a local HVAC company in Redlands, CA dedicated to delivering air conditioning and heating services with unparalleled excellence, surpassing the competition. With a focus on customer satisfaction and a commitment to providing top-notch services, AC Plus stands out as the go-to solution for all HVAC services in Redlands, CA, and surrounding areas.

Regular AC maintenance ensures your cooling system operates optimally, maximizing energy efficiency and extending lifespan. AC Plus offers comprehensive maintenance services encompassing thorough inspections, cleaning, and adjustments. By choosing AC Plus for AC maintenance in Redlands, CA, you can experience the following:

  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: AC Plus technicians thoroughly inspect and clean your AC system, ensuring it operates efficiently, leading to lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.
  • Extended Lifespan: Regular AC maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they escalate, prolonging the lifespan of your air conditioning unit and saving you from costly replacements.
  • Improved Air Quality: AC Plus cleans or replaces air filters during maintenance, promoting healthier indoor air quality and reducing allergens and pollutants.

Quick AC Repair In Victorville and Surrounding Areas

Even with regular maintenance, air conditioners may occasionally encounter issues. AC Plus prides itself on its prompt and efficient AC repair in Victorville, CA and surrounding areas. When your AC system falters, their skilled technicians swiftly diagnose the problem and provide reliable solutions. With a fleet of well-equipped service vehicles and a team of certified professionals, AC Plus ensures that your cooling system gets back on track in no time.

AC Plus focuses on customer satisfaction and aims to surpass expectations in every service aspect. From routine maintenance to emergency AC repair in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, we are dedicated to keeping your home comfortable year-round. Experience the difference with AC Plus, where excellence is the standard. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with our experts.

How To Control Humidity

Controlling humidity levels in your home is vital for creating a comfortable and healthy living environment. Humidity affects your comfort and plays a significant role in preserving your belongings and preventing potential health issues. In this article, we will explore the importance of maintaining proper humidity and effective ways to control it.

At AC Plus, we leverage state-of-the-art technology, such as dehumidifiers, to control humidity in Redlands, CA and restore comfort in your living spaces.

Understanding Proper Humidity Levels

To create a comfortable living space, achieving the ideal humidity level in your home is important. The recommended humidity to maintain indoor air quality ranges between 30% to 50%. Going below 30% can cause dryness, while levels above 50% can lead to excess moisture and various related problems.

The Impact Of High And Low Humidity

Contrary to many opinions, humidity is a necessary component for home comfort. Different seasons can cause high and low humidity outdoors, and it is important homeowners take action to maintain a level between 30-50%. Below we have discussed the impact of both high and low humidity in homes.

High Humidity

Excessive humidity can harm your home, personal belongings, and health. It promotes the growth of mold and mildew, resulting in musty odors and potential structural damage. Paint may peel, wallpapers may bubble, and wood may warp. Furthermore, high humidity creates an ideal environment for dust mites, triggering allergies and respiratory issues.

Low Humidity

Less humidity can be equally problematic. In dry environments, moisture is drawn from surfaces and materials, leading to cracks in furniture, musical instruments, and wooden floors. Additionally, low humidity can cause dry skin, irritated eyes, and respiratory discomfort.

The Importance Of Maintaining Proper Humidity

Ensuring your home remains at an appropriate humidity level can present various advantages. Below we have listed three benefits of controlling humidity in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas.

  • Comfort: Balanced humidity creates a pleasant and comfortable indoor atmosphere, preventing the discomfort of dryness or excessive moisture.
  • Health: Optimal humidity helps alleviate respiratory issues, such as allergies, asthma, and dry nasal passages. It also reduces the transmission of airborne viruses and bacteria, promoting overall wellness.
  • Preservation: Proper humidity helps safeguard your valuable possessions. It prevents wooden furniture, books, artwork, and musical instruments from warping, cracking, or deteriorating due to excess moisture or dryness. Additionally, controlling humidity prevents mold and mildew growth on personal belongings.

5 Disadvantages Of Not Controlling Humidity In Your Home

Humidity plays a significant role in maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment. Failing to control humidity levels in your home can lead to a range of disadvantages that affect your well-being and your property’s condition. Let’s explore five disadvantages of not controlling humidity in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas:

  • Mold and Mildew Growth
  • Damage to Personal Belongings
  • Comfort Issues
  • Increased Energy Consumption
  • Structural Damage

Mold and Mildew Growth

Excess moisture in the air provides an ideal breeding ground for mold and mildew. These fungal growths can thrive on various surfaces, such as walls, ceilings, and furniture. Not only do they cause unpleasant odors, but they can also damage the structural integrity of your home. Mold and mildew can trigger allergies and respiratory issues, posing health risks to you and your family.

Damage to Personal Belongings

Items in your home, such as wooden furniture, books, artwork, and musical instruments, are especially susceptible to damage when exposed to high or low humidity levels. Excessive moisture can lead to warping, rotting, and decay, while excessively dry conditions can cause cracking, splitting, and loss of structural integrity. These damages can be irreversible and lead to costly repairs or replacements.

Comfort Issues

Improper humidity levels can greatly impact your comfort. The air feels heavy and clammy in high humidity, increasing discomfort and making it difficult to cool down. Excessive moisture can also make it harder for your body to regulate its temperature, leading to feelings of stickiness and excessive perspiration. On the other hand, low humidity can cause dry skin, chapped lips, and respiratory discomfort, making breathing challenging.

Increased Energy Consumption

When humidity levels are not properly controlled, it can affect the efficiency of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. In high humidity, air conditioning units must work harder to control humidity in the air, consuming more energy and leading to higher electricity bills. Conversely, heating systems may need to run for longer periods in low humidity to compensate for the dryness, further increasing energy consumption.

Structural Damage

Too much or too little humidity can have long-term effects on the structural integrity of your home. Prolonged exposure to high humidity levels can cause wood, drywall, and plaster to absorb moisture, leading to swelling, warping, and potential structural damage. This can compromise the stability of your walls, floors, and ceilings, necessitating extensive repairs.

Neglecting to control humidity levels in your home can result in various disadvantages. From the growth of mold and mildew to damage to personal belongings, discomfort, increased energy consumption, and structural damage, the consequences can be far-reaching. It is crucial to prioritize humidity control to maintain a healthy, comfortable, and well-preserved living space.

Why Call AC Plus To Control Humidity?

Hiring AC Plus to control humidity in your home has many benefits. When you choose AC Plus, you gain access to their expertise and specialized dehumidifiers and humidifiers, ensuring optimal humidity levels and creating a comfortable and healthy living space. Below we have listed four advantages of hiring a local HVAC company in Redlands, CA like AC Plus to control humidity.

  • Professional Guidance
  • High-Quality Systems
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Peace Of Mind

Professional Guidance

AC Plus provides professional guidance and advice on maintaining proper humidity levels in your home. They understand the unique needs of different spaces and offer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements.

High-Quality Systems

AC Plus offers high-quality dehumidifiers and humidifiers designed to remove or add moisture efficiently to your home. Both dehumidifiers and humidifiers effectively combat humidity-related issues, such as mold growth and dryness, while protecting your valuable belongings from damage.

At AC Plus, our team can provide quality dehumidifiers and humidifiers in Redlands, CA that benefit homeowners in the following ways:

  • Efficient Moisture Extraction/Insertion: AC Plus dehumidifiers employ advanced technology to efficiently remove or add moisture, ensuring optimal humidity levels.
  • Customizable Settings: Many systems offer customizable settings, allowing you to adjust humidity levels according to your preference and specific requirements.
  • Intelligent Operation: Many AC Plus humidifiers and dehumidifiers in Redlands, CA have smart features like humidity sensors and timers, ensuring automated and convenient operation.

Energy Efficiency

AC Plus prioritizes energy efficiency in its dehumidifiers and humidifiers. By choosing their services, you can benefit from using energy-efficient equipment, which helps reduce your utility bills while effectively controlling humidity levels in your home.

Peace of Mind

When you hire AC Plus, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that professionals are handling your humidity control needs. Their expertise and reliable solutions ensure a comfortable and healthy living environment, free from the negative effects of high or low humidity.

By entrusting AC Plus with your humidity control requirements, you can experience the advantages of their professional guidance, high-quality dehumidifiers and humidifiers, energy efficiency, and the reassurance of optimum indoor air quality.

Call AC Plus For Dehumidifiers And Humidifiers In Rancho Cucamonga, CA!

Maintaining proper humidity levels in your home is essential for your comfort, protecting your belongings, and promoting good health. AC Plus dehumidifiers can be your reliable partner in achieving optimal humidity levels, making your home a haven of comfort and well-being. Remember, finding the right balance in humidity is key. Embrace the power of proper humidity with AC Plus and enjoy the benefits of a comfortable, healthy, and well-preserved home.

Stay Cool & Save Money With These AC Tips!

During the hottest months of the year, there is nothing more satisfying than the embrace of an air-conditioned, cool room. Running your air conditioner all summer long can result in high monthly bills, which leaves homeowners questioning whether their budget or comfort is more important. At AC Plus, we believe home comfort should always be affordable and readily available for everyone. In this article, we discuss tips to lower your air conditioning bill without sacrificing your home comfort.

8 Ways To Lower Your AC Bill

Although frequent AC operation keeps you comfortable, it can also become increasingly expensive. However, our team of experts has compiled eight tips to ensure your home remains cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. Below we listed ways to lower your AC bill in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas.

  • Use Ceiling Fans
  • Close Blinds And Curtains
  • Seal Cracks In Doors And Windows
  • Avoid Using Heat Producing Appliances
  • Clean Your Air Filters
  • Install A Programmable Thermostat
  • Schedule AC Maintenance
  • Upgrade Your HVAC System

Use Ceiling Fans

Simply installing or using ceiling fans can reduce the operating price of your AC system. While air conditioners remove heat and humidity from your home, ceiling fans help circulate and enhance cooling. Ceiling fans can provide a breeze and make residents feel cooler.

Homeowners can utilize ceiling fans in cooling mode, spinning counterclockwise, to maintain a comfortable temperature in a given room. This process allows homeowners to adjust their thermostat setting higher without feeling a temperature difference. The closer your thermostat setting is to the outdoor temperatures, the more you will save on utility bills. It is important to note that ceiling fans cool people, not rooms. Be sure to turn off ceiling fans when rooms in your home are vacant.

Close Blinds And Curtains

Although natural light looks lovely in home interiors, it could also be driving up the temperature of your property. Since most of the energy from natural light enters a home as heat, it could be counteracting the effects of your air conditioner.

Closing window treatments like blinds, curtains, and shades during the day can significantly reduce heat exposure from natural light. As a result, you could increase your air conditioner’s temperature to lower costs.

Seal Cracks In Doors And Windows

Insulation and drafts significantly impact the temperature and energy efficiency of a home. Even small cracks between your windows and doors could cause major temperature fluctuations and lead to AC repair in Victorville, CA. Sealing the cracks in windows and doors can help your HVAC system function more effectively. An easy and low cost way to seal cracks is by caulking or weather stripping your home.

Avoid Using Heat Producing Appliances

Although it’s unavoidable at times, using heat-producing appliances during the day can make it harder and more expensive for your air conditioner to cool your home. Think about times when you use an oven. The heat from this large appliance can quickly increase the temperature of your kitchen and adjacent rooms.

As much as possible, avoid using ovens, stoves, hair dryers, laundry machines, and anything else that produces significant heat during the hottest times of the day. Decreasing your energy use can also reduce the cost of your electric bill.

Clean Your Air Filters

While dirty air filters are a common issue for HVAC systems, most homeowners don’t realize that the grime on their filters is costing more than just clean air. Overly dirty air filters can significantly reduce HVAC efficiency, making it much harder and more costly for your system to cool your home.

Replacing your air filters is a simple task that homeowners can quickly accomplish. Not only will clean filters reduce the costs of operating your air conditioner, but they’ll also improve your indoor air quality. Maintaining a clean air filter is the easiest way to avoid AC repair in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas!

Install A Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats allow you to vary temperatures within different rooms of your home and at various times throughout the day. Furthermore, many newer systems connect to smartphone devices and enable you to control your AC from anywhere.

With this flexibility, you could increase the temperature of your HVAC system while you’re away from home or in unused rooms. These small changes can significantly reduce your utility costs without changing your comfort levels.

Schedule AC Maintenance

Routine maintenance practices help optimize the efficiency and functionality of your HVAC system. Scheduling AC maintenance in Rancho Cucamonga, CA can also catch developing issues before they turn into costly problems. As a result, hiring HVAC experts to regularly check your system and perform essential tune-ups can save you money.

Upgrade Your HVAC System

It’s possible that your HVAC system might not be powerful enough to provide the level of cooling you want. Considering a system upgrade before the hottest months of the year could save you money by replacing an inefficient or weak AC unit. The AC Plus team can provide reliable AC replacement and installation in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas to help you stay cool and save on monthly costs.

Financing Your AC Services

Some homeowners worry about the costs of AC services. At AC Plus Heating & Cooling, we understand that every person’s financial situation is unique. Nevertheless, we believe that everyone deserves the benefits of indoor cooling and comfort. We offer flexible financing plans to help individuals and households afford essential HVAC services. Apply for financing to lessen the financial burden of your new installation, repair, or maintenance services.

Call Top-Rated HVAC Technicians From AC Plus Heating & Cooling

When you’re ready to optimize your HVAC system and reduce your energy expenses, call top-rated professionals from AC Plus Heating & Cooling. Our focus on customer satisfaction and 90-minute arrival guarantee ensures that you receive timely, effective service when you need it most. With flat-rate pricing, you know what to expect upfront. For AC repair in Redlands, CA and surrounding areas, call (760) 243-4440 and request a free estimate from AC Plus Heating & Cooling.

Catherine B.
100% Happy with AC Plus!!! Have been for years! I recommend them 100% too!
Ron M.
We have been using AC Plus for over 15 years for all of our Heating and Air Conditioning needs. Throughout the years we were always impressed by the great service that they provided. They are a family owned and operated business and they brought a new level of service expectations for any of our HVAC needs. We have worked with Sean over the past 5 years. He is very knowledgeable and very responsive. Any time I called Sean I knew that I would get the best service out there. Our furnace just went out and we needed to purchase a new one. I had high expectations for AC Plus installing our new furnace. Sean bent over backwards to get our new furnace installed because we did not have any heat. He managed to get a team to work on a Saturday to get our unit installed. He said they would come out at 8:30 and it would take them about 6 hours to replace our furnace. They showed up at 8:20 and took out the old unit and installed the new one in 4 1/2 hours. Again, AC Plus exceeded my high expectations. If you need any HVAC systems serviced, I couldn't say enough about the great service from AC Plus !!!
Susie M.
Sean is absolutely the best. He provides service above and beyond. Something you don't see alot of these days. He is such an important asset to your company. We would recommend AC Plus to all our friends. Thank you for the excellent service !
Mary S.
Yes was very thorough did a great job
Steven was very thorough, efficient and professional. Thank you.
Janice R.
Stephen was very professional, clean, and able to easily explain any problems I had. There were some things that I could’ve had fixed, but I really appreciate so much that he did not pressure me whatsoever and honestly told me it was safe if I didn’t fix it at this time. I find that that rarely happens with service people. That includes car repairs, Plumbing, etc. I have always been impressed with Matt and feel his employees follow his honest ways.
Carol B.
You can’t go wrong with AC Plus 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟They are reliable and are always reliableWe trust them completely
Elizabeth B.
Excellent service Desert Dentist is pleased with their quality of work. They come and do a fantastice job We highly recommend AC Plus for everyone ..
I highly recommend AC Plus Heating & Air . Great service and very professional!
m H
Always receive great service. Frim the admin who make sure my schedule is met to the service personnel.Your serviceman really explained what he would do then he explained everything he had done. Tge is on exceptional employee.
Joe Buscher J.
My significant other and I use wheelchairs. I called AC plus at 8:30 PM at night 10/9/14. Because my A/C stopped working. We are very sensitive to temperature change. Matt came over to our home at 7:15 AM the next day and looked at our system. Our system was 15 years old and we needed a new one. By 9 AM that morning Matt had a crane at our home along with a crew of people who started work immediately. Matt even brought us lunch and checked on us throughout the day. Remember this was on a Friday 10/10/2014. By 10 AM on Saturday morning our air conditioner was up and running and the workers cleaned our home. I felt the price was fair and the customer service was excellent. I didn't feel rushed to make a decision. He took the time to answer all my questions along with his workers who were very nice and spoke English. They even took pictures and kept me up-to-date on the progress.
audrey W.
Good experienceKnowledgeable technicianVery nice young man
Pierre J.
Sean is very professional, efficient and friendly.
Cheryl P.
We are so thankful that Sean from AC Plus repaired our furnace especially, when another company who inspected it, stated the furnace needed to be completely replaced. Sean was timely and extremely knowledge. Within 15 minutes he had it up and running perfectly. Our home in Lake Arrowhead was registering at 40 degrees, therefore, having heat was essential. We highly recommend AC Plus for any service or repairs. I have already given his name to other neighbors. Sean was fantastic!
Sandy H.
Very professional, friendly and informative service. Thank you
Rajeana R.
We have been using AC Plus since moving to high desert about 8 years ago. They are always friendly, and go out of their way to communicate any issues.
Richard A.
Thank you. Service was perfect.
Lynne W.
Sean was always on time, great communication and very knowlegeable. The overall experience was seamless! I would highly recommend this company.
Barbara F.
Very professional and knowledgeable.
Barbara F.
This person is very Responsive and professional. Dependable.
Jeffrey D.
AC Plus has always provided fast, convenient, quality service. They are simply the best in the high desert. Technicians always explain exactly what they have done, and make recommendations to keep the system running efficiently.
Joe R R.
All of the above. Extemely pleased with technician! Very impressed with his professionalism and how he kept me informed on all that he was doing.
Eliseo R.
Glad I chose AC Plus for our new AC System. They have delivered on everything from the sale to the service of our new system. Starting with the great price!
skyent “Skyent” S.
I had AC Plus out to my house on a referral to do my yearly maintenance. They were so great I hired them that day to replace me furnace which was done literally two days later. The time they said they would be here and it would get done was exact. The office staff I spoke to was very nice and polite as well as helpful. The technicians were very polite, very professional, respectful of my home and clearly highly skilled in there trade. When they left it was like they had never been here. I would HIGHLY recommend AC PLUS and they will be my go to HVAC company. I really like this company. I only wish all companies conducted themselves this way.
Mark M.
Great,professional service. Thanks
Hannah B.
AC Plus offers unparalleled customer service. I requested service through their online portal, had a callback within minutes, and an appointment scheduled for the same week!The technician, Brandon, was professional and friendly! He arrived on time, explained everything he was looking for, and provided exceptional service. Great service and a great company!
Simon T.
Arrived on time, and performed system inspection, great always.
Andrew T.
These guys are quick and professional. Highly recommend
Carl W.
Brandon was great. Did a great job diagnosing and repairing our furnace. Highly recommend.
Marc M.
Amazing! Look no further - this is the best HVAC company in the inland Empire. They came to the house within 24 hours of my initial phone call, and actually arrived on time! Highly professional, extremely courteous, and Matt diagnosed and fixed the heating problem in short order. I expected to pay way more than I did, so even as a grumpy old cheapskate I have no complaints at all! Again, you will not find a better HVAC company. I highly recommend them with no reservations.
Kathy J.
Annual checkup of our air conditioning unit. He was pleasant, efficient and friendly. Did his work quickly without disrupting our day.
Lelia W.
Shawn took is time making sure heather was working
anthony C.
Great service! Trustworthy, reliable and on time! Thank you AC Plus!
Deilson da S.
I had a very positive impression of the AC Plus Heating & Air! From the technician that I’ve met in front of my house, to the agent that scheduled my appointment, and also to the technician that provided service at my place. The person answered all my questions (even the stupid ones). AC Plus Heating & Air Is a detail-oriented organization, that makes me feel glad for having them as my GOTO company for AC and heating services. Thanks for your good work!
AC Plus is very professional and reasonably priced. The technicians are very knowledgeable and caught the problem before we were without air conditioning. We have been a client for many years and the service has always been excellent.
Raleigh P.
Great service. You guys are the best. Thanks 😊
Lynne W.
Sean has always been on time, great communication and very knowledgeable. Very happy with this company.
David P.
We have been very happy with AC Plus Heating and Air. We need some custom work done on our installation which they handled like champs. They have followed up to check on the system and always are ontime, courteous and professional
Judi L.
Professional. Excellent servce
Judi L.
Professional and very nice and polite
Kenny V.
Professional service, very easy to deal with.
Kenny V.
The technician was professional, on time and responsive.
Debbie H
Brandon is the tech that made the service call. We appreciated the fact that: (1) the gas flow was originally set higher than needed and he adjusted it to save us on fuel costs; (2) he made some suggestions for additional items for precautionary measures and because our unit is in the attic, he showed videos taken on his phone so we would know precisely what he was referring to. We will definitely use the services of AC Plus for any future needs.
Jay D.
Customer service is above and beyond, from the time I inquired about the service and after the tech completed the job. The tech Brandon was amazing, could not have had a better experience. They are very detailed, and know what they are doing. Highly recommend AC Plus Heating & Air to anyone and everyone.
Twyla B.
You replace my heating and air. You guys are awesome.The crew was very clean and polite. Did a excellent job They was at 5 star plus. Thank you again.
Heath R.
Installation of a new furnace went well. We are very impressed with how polite the installers were. The installation is very clean and professional. New heater just in time for the next snow storm.
Stephanie S.
Excellent a/c and heating service. I’m so happy we found them! Scott came out to make sure our AC is ready for the hot High Desert summer. He was very friendly.
Priscilla H.
Always amazing and professional service! I appreciate the care demonstrated by the professionals.
sherri H.
Scott came to do my Spring maintenance and was friendly and professional to talk with. I’ve been using AC Plus for a few years now and have not had one unfriendly incident whether on the phone or in person.
Alma M.
Thank you Brandon you went above and beyond to help us thumb up 👍
Paul L.
Courteous, thorough, and efficient. Knowledgeable about the system.
J B.
Kyle was knowledgeable and professional. He was able to explain the nature of what was causing the issue with the heating components.Great customer service :)
Alyssa F.
Steven was respectful of our home and was able to troubleshoot the issue with our condenser/transformer quickly and efficiently. We would definitely recommend AC Plus Heating and Air! Thank you, Steven!
Moe A.
Timely and professional! Sean was extremely friendly and had excellent communication throughout the whole process. Best estimate I got in the high desert for the work I needed done and answered all the questions I had. I'm extremely pleased with the crews work and cleanliness. I'll always recommend AC Plus heating & air to family and friends.
Juan D.
Very good.Brandon was very helpful explaining AC unit was in perfect conditions.
Kevin L.
I needed them to install a Z wave thermostat. It’s an unusual thermostat and we didn’t have any luck the first time. But the second time, there worker did a fantastic job of getting the thermostat up and working. He was very easy to work with and did a great job, I highly recommend them.
Donna G.
Very informative and quick service.I highly recommend
I only use AC Plus for all of my HVAC needs. Super trustworthy friendly, knowledgeable and their customer service is great. They are promp and arrive when stated. They are a small business so the prices are cheaper but their knowledge and workmanship are top notch. No need to call anyone else. I've had both condensers replaced and they are working great. No issues.
Anna R.
I've trusted AC Plus to service my heating and AC system for almost two decades. I wouldn't go anywhere else.
Christian E.
Very helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly staff. Nothing short of a remarkable experience from start to finish. Highly recommend to all.
KarAnina R.
On time. Professional. Cleaned up after.
Stormy L.
Our service was absolutely awesome. He was very thorough with everything. He worked fast an efficient.our technician didn't try to push anything on us. He recommended things an it was our choice to go through with it. So nice an well spoken. Couldn't have had better service
Irma G.
We need a new furnace because our heater would not start. During these freezing days. We got a couple of estimates from several companies but AC Plus was the best one and their service was excellent they fit us in to their schedule right away. Thank you for your dedication and service.
Very professional, courteous and knowledgeable. Whether it be customer service or repair/installation, we can count on AC Plus to give us top notch service and fair estimates with every effort to give us the earliest date possible when applicable. We have used AC Plus several times in the past, will continue with them in the future and don't hesitate to give them 5 stars and our high regards and recommendation.
Noe P.
They are responsive, professional and provide added value.
Lyn M.
Great tech, quick and professional service, will use again and highly recommend.
Chris L.
They sent Sean out and gave us an estimate. He was very professional and knowledgeable .
Kirk D.
Shane was the best and would love for him to be my usual guy to come and do my services
Roger M.
Shawn was awesome, Diagnosed the problem via a process of elimination in minutes such a comfort to have someone out that is a professional, sharp polished and a outstanding demeanor.
I am always pleased with the service provided by AC Plus. My heating system was inspected and serviced by Shane H. Today. I appreciate very much when a technician pays close attention to my concerns and that at the end of the inspection/service, he takes the time to go in detail on his findings. Shane did an awesome job. He has excellent customer service skills. He was very polite and courteous. I have been a customer of AC Plus for almost 10 years and I’m pleased to be doing business with them.
Vanessa “Nessa” R.
I called them to come out for a quote. The woman on the phone was nice and pleasant. They came out that same week and emailed me a quote the same day. I approved the job and they called me the next day to schedule the replacement of my swamp cooler. The guys that came out were great, with great communication throughout. Unfortunately the switch was also bad. They ordered it and let me know they would call me and schedule as soon as part is received. Literally later that day i was called and scheduled for them to come out the same week which was only a couple days later. I was very happy with their response time and that they communicated with me the whole way. They also called 30-45 minutes ahead to let you know they were on their way. I will definitely recommend and use this company again.
Jennifer V.
Sean was very nice and was able to fix the small issue with our heater quickly. Happy to have our heat working again. We really appreciate it!
Ryan A.
I was immensely impressed with Shane's conduct and his work. He was polite and courteous and did an excellent job. I'd recommend this company to anyone needing help with their air or heating.
Felix M.
very excellent service, fast and professional, thank you
Robert H.
We are very happy with how quick AC Plus heating and air conditioning put in our new heating unit. They were very kind and thorough.
Albert A.
AC PLUS I would call again if I need service AC or Heating. We had duct cleaning done by tech Scott who was very Friendly,Personable, and Knowledgeable. Done a great job Scott, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
Erik I.
The technician Isaac is very good in troubleshooting central Heating problems that was created by NextGen. I am a new customer and very happy with the service provided. If somebody read this review… do not waste your money on NextGen… not only will they try to suck you dry but also give you headache at the same time.This is a good company and very transparent and honest in my opinion.
Cynthia C.
Great service, there crew are hard works and very nice,,,thanks Matthew for very thing
Marlene H.
Came on time awesome jobl guarantee to recommend friends and family. 100%
Alicia F.
Super professional. Showed up in a timely manner, resolved the problem quickly, and was able to explain it with confidence. The payment process was swift and easy! I highly recommend and and grateful to have them as my heating/air company! Thank you!
Mike C.
Highly recommended Ac Plus Sam was very nice and very informative and great price .
Nest C.
Great service! Very professional and friendly!
Very reasonable, professional and got the heat back on in no time! Thanks!
Arianna P.
Everything was easy and quick, from the estimate to the installation.
Very good customer service, Reliable outstanding Serivce I received a call from the technician to notify me there was a cancellation which was outstanding the technician came by and good an outstanding work and explained everything he did with the furnace I would recommend this company to anyone 5 stars
Sanstlwh C.
The customer service is excellent both on the phone and the technician Jonathan. Our air conditioner is running wonderfully again! Thanks so much!
Brian V.
My air conditioner stopped blowing air through the vents. I knew I had to find an HVAC repair guy fast and I was worried about having some stranger with his hands on my equipment. I did a web search and found AC Plus Heating and Air with many hundreds of 5 star reviews on Google.Omar Amore came to my house and diagnosed and fixed the problem in 20 minutes and it cost me much less than expected. After he performed the work, he spent another 15 minutes with me educating me about the proper maintenance of my air conditioner. He quoted me some pricing on a couple action items to do next spring to keep my unit in good working order.Omar struck me as honest and thoughtful. I will use this company again for all my heating and air needs.
Richard M.
The service tech was on time, polite, and attentive.
Edward S.
Amazing experience with Sean coming out to view our property. Had a few concerns which we addressed and he also went above and beyond by replacing and fixing certain parts of the AC we were unaware of. Definitely will be using this company in the future.
Jennifer M.
Our AC died Tuesday night, we called Wednesday morning and they had a new unit up and working by Thursday afternoon. Very friendly and professional.
Kris F.
A/C went out and they came to help the 1st thing after the weekend! Very friendly, professional and prompt!
Virginia J.
The tech called to say he might be early, then called again once he was on his way. The job was hard to get to, but he persevered and got the job done!
Robert G.
Called AC Plus for AC service. They were very courteous and professional on time for my appointment, Jonathan service tech showed up diagnose the issue, and had my house AC up and cooling fast!
Marco A.
The staff at AC PLUS where amazing friendly and courteous. The technician Sean was very honest, friendly and kept us informed of what was going on till the very end. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY. A+ RATING in my book. Thank you for the service AC PLUS.
Jeff M.
Our AC unit failed yesterday. Of course, it has been over 100 degrees the last few days, so we were concerned. Called AC Plus this morning and they had it up and running again by 11:00am today! Jonathan was great and explained everything to me, answered all my questions. We will be calling them again if we ever have any problems. The woman that answered the phone there this morning was also very helpful and pleasant to deal with. Thank you AC Plus!
Chris O.
Dogs were trying to get a squirrel and smashed the freon line flat. Omar came out and took care of the situation quickly and professionally much appreciated.
Rosanna R.
Everyone that works for this place is very friendly, efficient, caring and keeps you informed of when they will arrive. Air conditioning is up and running. Thank you 😊

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